What annoyed you today?

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Ah, sorry Henk, I did not mean to bugger you off...

He he he........, I do not think you would match the description of that bum, but a drunk on street is all right but a drunk bum is the worst.

Working 13 hours a day again because the boss is being a @sshole again by sending the other guy to our branch in a other town to help the idiots there switch on the computer, yes they do not even know how to do that and put stuff the PC and print it.

I hate working doubles on a weekend because it is so busy.
Oh, yeah, everyone has to go through his first job - which usually isn't very good one. I used to work for almost three years in a SKI Snowboard shop (you probably don't have much of them in SA, do you? ) before I got my current position of an American Students Program Coordinator.
oh God, Girls allowed have just started singing after the rugby, don't get me wrong a couple of them are hot but after a rugby game? they're one short anyway...........
I thought you drove a 6ton tipper? Bloody hell I'm confused. Again.

No man I said it is a job oppertunaty I might get and went for a interview for the job. Well I wish I would get the job. Well Pisis we have a few snowboard shops here, we do get snow in some parts of SA.

Everything pissed me off and got on my nervs the whole weekend sucked and I have the urge to take out my frustrations out on a idiot who want to try his luck with me.
Adler may put a stop the the Crime in Your City thread's primary contributor to what may be one of the most arrogant, self-centered, narcissistic run-ons in the annals of the internet. Woe is me.

[And to clarify for those that Syscom is talking about, its "annals". Not "anals".]
What? That is a insult.

You work the whole weekend double shifts from 9am to 10pm and then start monday again at 9am and must put up with crap from people and not get pissed off. Work where I work mate and you would know what I mean.
Good idea Erich I will be doing that tomorow, not a good idea to do it now.

Well I think he does deserve what is coming his way but I do not have anything personal against him and would not diss him because it is just fun, that is childish. I think it would be very wise not to start sh*t between members or try to start any sh*t at all, that would not be very smart.

Never compare me with someone else that is just downright wrong.
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