What annoyed you today?

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I didn't compare you to Syscom, dude. Mellow out. I was only suggesting that if you are frustrated with life in general, you have my permission to take it out on Syscom. Syscom has insulted everyone on this forum. And that includes you. Repeatedly. And yes I am childish.
Sucks to be sure. A contract has x-dollars attached after the profit is
skimmed off the top, and then you work with what's left. If the $$ burn
rate exceeds a certain monthly prediction, you lose someone. Of course,
giving back 1/2% of the profit would save a job, but in all my years of
experience, that has never happened.
Matt the proof will be in another week, and I wonder how many paid the popper(s) like they did here in Oregon. Politics suck

what annoyed me .......... hmmmmmmmmm well my allergies picked up after riding 51 miles in the wind (which by the way was pretty neat in itself), but got totally soaked through by the rain, dumped an inch in about 1 hour on me .. . . .. I luv it
We'll see Erich. It will be interesting to see what the Demos do not that they have got what they wished. Let's see what grand plan they come up with.
what goes around comes around as history has always shown, Evil will be repaid with evil.......let's face it guys/gals, it is out of our hands now. the fact is we all tried to make a difference by voting ......
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