What annoyed you today?

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well my body is giving out.............too much physical activity over the years, got a call from the Doctor and my spine and rib cage is cracked ............. oh joy for this season, what the hey I am still vertical, well sorta

I can smell and hear and see, God is good ! 8)
That is why I don't have animals. I would hate to become attached to something that I was always wanting to murder. Get rid of it. Eventually it will get old and start pissing all over the house. They all do.
Matt so do old folks ............... pissing. I'm not there right yet but after that insane Doktor kill me quick phone call I feel like an old hag

I better go find a bier Glas and pour out a Schneider Weisse for myself
What happened CC? Did Lanc flub it?

You guys do a lot of presentations. If I could have changed one thing in my schooling (other than applying myself 110%), it would have been more presentations in front of others. An invaluable tool when you enter the professional world.
crap had a major brown out after I got back from work, my bookmark files are out in cyberspace and I lost some 150 filed photos. Doctors news sucked today as they are talking some surgery which I do not have time for ............

well if I am not here for a couple of days you guys/gals will know why, sounds like I have been given the screws . . . . . happy St. Nikolaus Tag on the morrow !
I woke up with a GD head cold this morning, but that is totally trivial
compared to the prospect of surgery, Erich. I wish you the very best
with that!

I wonder how many people in America know that in Germany,
St. Nikolaus doesn't arrive on Christmas Eve? Not many, I am sure....
well our Nikolaus Tag party last night was a riot and we woke up this morn or I did with some sort of strange nuts and fruits in my work boots ............ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, well I can barely see the neighbors house this morn with the fog so am not sure if Nik is lost or not

Burning my arm really bad (almost to a 3rd Degree Burn) while pulling something out of my oven this morning. Had to go to the hospital and get it taken care of. Damn it hurt!
geez this sounds like a day of pain and I'm in the thick of it ............ wimper, cough, choke, who cares ? ,

anyway best of health gentlemen ! got to go out in the freezing drip and replace 32 clear lights off my steep roof...........man If I fall off

nah don't think about it
Too bad Adler. Burns are the worst. I would rather be cut. And Erich, you better think about it! You still want to visit with your granddaughters? STAY OFF THE ROOF!

Folks at work are really sick. Liver cancer, Brain cancer, Lung cancer, hysterectomy, etc. The circle of life I guess. But I don't have to like it.
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