What annoyed you today?

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Well it does not really annoy me because I told me wife to do so. She wanted to stay an extra week with her family because she has not seen them since March so I told her to go ahead and stay at there place while I head back home so that I can work this week. She will return the day before we go to Berlin for New Years.

Oh well look at the bright side, I have the house to my self for a week!
Henk, kill him!!!

I will love to do that and thank you Erich for your well wishes to my boss.

He is now going to charge me because I "stayed away" from work without letting him know, I told I I will not come in to work because it is Christmas. Well I got my legal side and will use it and I am not going to let such a @sshole bring me down.

Well the thing that actualy got me down today is the prawns I ate yesterday upset my body and I was sick on Christmas day, but I have now learned that it is not a very good idea to eat those again, because it has happend now a few times.
holy crap over 4 inches of rain in 24 hours which may not sound like much but I have about 75 gals of water to dump before it gets in the back of my house ...........

no, no Mr. Bill
take it easy cupcake and get your scrawny butt over here to south Oregon and help me bail out tons literally tons of water off the back of my house ..........

geez where's my boat
Now the sh*t has hit the fan at work and now me and the boss is head on head on for a duel to the death, the best man wins. Well I have no one to trust at work now and the back stabbers are out on the prowl.

Well the heat were pretty bad today.
Now the sh*t has hit the fan at work and now me and the boss is head on head on for a duel to the death, the best man wins. Well I have no one to trust at work now and the back stabbers are out on the prowl.

Well the heat were pretty bad today.
I bet you lose Henk
Nope mate, I know about all the illegal sh*t that he does and he is still to small time to have a impact on the legal system here and I already got me the right people to help me to give him all the **** he can get. Well he is not one for the legal stuff, he is for all the sh*t. I followed everything and now he thinks he can nail me, because I did not want to work on Christmas and because I am the only one to stand up against him. So f*ck him and if he fires me I will kick the living crap out of him. Ha ha ha..........

Mate this is South Africa we do not f*ck around here we finnish something we started and you never give in to bullsh*t.
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