What annoyed you today? (1 Viewer)

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Wife asked if I wanted to go to the docs for antibiotics before Christmas rolled around and everthing closed up. Nope, he says, silently wondering if he just sealed his fate.
hmmmmmmmmmmm Glühwein if you can find any and then good sex with the Mrs. works every time . . . .............. ...
Saw part of Jon Stewarts show flipping last night. I don't watch him because he annoys me... but last night he really got me mad.

He was commenting on the decision to increase the size of the US Army and USMC, and was joking about how the numbers we have now in the service aren't sufficient, that there seems to be a few less every passing day... is it a clerical error???

Sure it was his poke at the bush admin, but making light of troops that have given their lives for the nation is not something that should be joked about...
Don't forget mkloby. Those that are serving are the intellectual dregs of society and have been duped into serving. In fact, only minorities and the poor currently serve. They signed up to learn skills and have only been taught to kill innocent foreign civilians. Military service leads nowhere and only the liberals can save them.

...right. :rolleyes:
Sorry to hear that Pisis. But a rather simple operation though, no?

Nothing is annoying me with only a few days left till Christmas.
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