What annoyed you today?

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In 365 days last year we had the rescue Heli out exactly 3 times for incidents.

Last three days.

1. Motorbike goes high speed through town, we all heard him red lining the bloody thing through the 50 Kph (30mph) zone. 5 minutes later we were getting out of the ditch beside the 90 degree bend where he and bike went splat. How many bones can you break in one effort. Enough to drive a leg bone out through thick leather padded bike pants.

2. Way down the way at a remote beach, guy rock fishing takes a 4 metre face plant into the rocks and gets found a few minutes later by walkers floating face down. Pulled out CPR and a passing boat waved down to get him to a local beach. Full attendance and blah blah until we rolled him out in the Ambulance to where the Rescue Heli can land and casevac.

3. Today, Full cardiac arrest out on the water, meet the boat at the boat ramp and hook up defibrilator etc and oxygen blah blah, Rescue Heli standing by near the boat ramp for the casevac as soon as we had him stabilised.

What the F@ck is this?

Just because it is holiday season, you stupid knobbers can go find somewehre else to croak. STAY AT HOME AND DIE IN SILENCE.
some of you may've noticed i haven't been on for a couple of days, no doubt matt's been missing me, and you may wonder why! well a couple of days back about 1 square metre of the plaster on my bedroom ceiling fell into the room and my room is a complete tip because of it! so i've been trying the clean up for a few days now!
A square meter! And yes I did wonder where you (and Adler) had disappeared to. Did your roof leak?

My furnace filters need changing. Not difficult, just a pain in the @ss.
Yes lanc a square meter? Where the hell are your imperial measurements boy? ;)

I couldnt manage to eat all of a really nice pizza...Damn the large size...
here's the thing with the imperial, i wasn't sure if i should say a square yard or 9 square feet?

and no matt, fortunately our house has 3 floors, my bedroom's on the second... why, do you only have two? ;)
Get used to it, mkloby.

And Lanc, no my house only has two floors. The reason I was asking is that's alot of material to fall off your ceiling. So I was wondering if you had a roof leak (or some other water damage) that made your ceiling heavy and thus fall.

So why did it fall?
I just made a post on a French WWII forum that could get me banned... I was already warned a few times during the discussion. But the guy I'm discussing with is the forum's administrator so it doesn't help.

That guy is the perfect stereotypical arrogant French who thinks that France is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better that anyone else (in particular the United States). He even thinks the only reason why you won over Great-Britain in the American Independence war is because of France's implication.

I got warned a first time for treating Ex-president Charles De Gaulle of @sshole and a second time for suggesting that the guy I'm chatting with is an Anti-American racist. I think my last post will definately be the "nail in the coffin". Bah... Who cares ?
Well for what it's worth, thanks Maestro. Being a moderator means walking a fine line.

And perhaps your pro-Americanism went over the line. I knew in my heart that the UN ICAO should have adopted French for the universal aerospace language in lieu of English. Vive Quebec! :)
Hang in there mkloby. You gonna watch the big event? Pros and cons. It is a miracle. And you might never forget it. It is not physically pretty. Brutally amazing, but not physically pretty. I won't go into specifics, but I wish that I had hung back.

But then again, you may be the current norm and they will cut your youngin' out.

I wished I'd asked for a "honeymoon suture". :)
Hang in there mkloby. You gonna watch the big event? Pros and cons. It is a miracle. And you might never forget it. It is not physically pretty. Brutally amazing, but not physically pretty. I won't go into specifics, but I wish that I had hung back.

But then again, you may be the current norm and they will cut your youngin' out.

I wished I'd asked for a "honeymoon suture". :)

Hey now! I'm definitely going to be there. CO says just give a hollar and he'll clear out my schedule. Wife wants a traditional childbirth - no epidural, pain killers, c-section, or epesiotomy (spelling?). God Bless her... I can't imagine going through that...

I can't wait to see what the little guy/gal looks like. Irish - for sure.
When its done, kiss that lass full on the mouth...if she'll let you. And next time you are on patrol and whining about comfort, injuries or wounds. Just think about what you saw. And gather strength.

For you are inferior, Marine. :)
i was in a sim today and the instructor fails my critical engine just after rotation, and I had the proverbial helmet fire. At least I got through the procedure, albeit more slowly than necessary. 2nd failed engine went much better.
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