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Working. I cleared my backlog, except for the parts for the 50 unit job I'm sitting on because they haven't started the 36 units I made last week. Maybe I can start refilling my ready racks that got cleaned out when my main production line went down for two weeks.
After 15 years of using just laptop(s), I've acquired a proper desktop PC. Nothing too flashy, Ryzen 5 5600, 16 MB, 3060 graphics, 27in screen. Since there was no suitable table for it, went out and bought one, and spent half a day assembling it.
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I'm a bit late - but please, do tell
subjects - not titles

  1. 120 days from script to play (or words to that effet) for the Mustang? Really??
  2. Did you know that North American could never have assembled employees and skill in five years to design and build the Mustang - without Legacy of Anthony Fokker? Do tell?
  3. If the Spitfire had the same manufacturing excellence as NAA to fabricate wing and fuselage, it would have been as fast as the Mustang? Really?
  4. Who were the bomber Mafia, and how did they conspire to keep the Thunderbolt from fame and glory during the first Schweinfurt mission?
  5. If the bomber mafia had not shunned the Mustang in 1941, it would have been rainbows and unicorns over Germany for VIII Bomber Command in summer 1943?
Number 3 will be a dive into the combined technolgies embodied in the P-51D, including Meredith Cooling, Wing Drag reduction features enabling 10+% lower profile drag for the 45-100 wing, Projective Geometry fuselage design, Manufacturing processes

Number 4 will dive into what Materiel Command did and did not do, and what Kartiveli didn't do to follow Rice/Schmued and Johnson innovations toward Long Range Escort in 1941/1942/1943.

The producer in interested in Mustang Legends vs Myths.

Would welcome suggestions, Tomo.
prepping for a managers meeting, where i plan on launching a couple of people through the window as they are completely incompetent and i rely on them for all the info i need to run the kitchen !
Looking forward to an update on that.
The producer in interested in Mustang Legends vs Myths.

Would welcome suggestions, Tomo.
Well, I don't know what would Tomislav have to offer / add to your list, and you've mentioned that this particular producer's interests, however I have never seen any documentries about behind the frontline... To be precise, the assembly lines and factories that made different parts, the WASP and their stories / POV about war and everyday life, the ground breaking discoveries in science and technology that led into existence of these famous flying giants, what happened to them, right after war ended? We know the short answer, but what about a longer answer??? As well as some simplified technical info about different parts of an aircraft? The engine, the wings, the airframe?

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