What Happened to "Butch" O'Hare?

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oh ok i get it i might have been thinking the p-47

I fixed the title of the thread to the correct spelling... No one can be this ignorant by accident....

thanks for fixing that i had no clue how to change that

well i useing a school com and it doesn't have fire fox so yea

I understand the way the younger guys post, I got three of 'em in my family. But fly boy goes way beyond the "style".

I still say he's puttin' us on, or he's in really deep trouble.


Dudei am fine i just not use to people bugging me for grammor and that crap
O.K. flyboy, you stop it too. You made your point, let's get over it.

And the next thing is learning to put all your arguments in one single post, it's easier to read. Just a friendly hint.


I am intersted to learn about the Butch O'Hare story. It sounds intersting, and its being ruined at the moment. If possible can we now move along, and not word about bad spelling. I am really sorry if I offended anyone, I really am, so lets calm down, and get to the good stuff. What are the basic facts please
ok parsifal

so as i was saying the whole thing started about the time the us attack the slolmens and about every night jap bombers would fly in the night looking for targets when a bomber thinks they see a ship they launch flares to see if it was. this happend to uss chagio in 42. the ship opened up when it was protecting troop ships. in the morning the ship was under tow because the ships boliloers got hit and enter perise or how ever you say it lauched planes to protect it - that failed and the big E went to washington to refit the ship and in novmber after the landing at the gilberts the big e's gruop was attacked the carrier didn't shoot because they knew the ship would get targeted if they did and on the next day the deision was made to test night flying came up and o hare was up with a tbf and two other hellcats to shoot down the bettys and that when o hare came up to shoot a bomber and got killed and crashed into the pacific. the mission wasn't a failer- about half a year later in 44 the fighters of the navy got helcats and f4us that had radar all thanks to o hare and the brits
This is ridiculous, totally off topic and won't do the thread any good. If he won't or can't spell - no matter why - then let him. But I have to say that he wasn't the one starting the rants.

Got news for ya Krabat.....

When fly boy titles his thread "What happened to bucth o here", that becomes the topic. And it's not an isolated post, he's got a track record for posting in this "style". Go check his other stuff.

And if that's what we want to talk about, so be it.

Then ignore his post. So do I. He will learn. Flaming wont help there. It's not my job to teach him, that's why we have moderators.
one thing for sure this is one of the biggest conversation in one of my theads
Then ignore his post. So do I. He will learn. Flaming wont help there. It's not my job to teach him, that's why we have moderators.

I wager it will help... egregious eye pollution is worth addressing by anybody who finds it painful.

Read through the posts... it's not just simple misspellings.

I do give him credit for being interested in this topic.

You claim to be done with the "off topic" issue but you continue to post on the matter

I think this thread should be closed and a new "Butch" O'Hare thread started...
oh ok i get it i might have been thinking the p-47

If you didn't notice the example I gave was of a P-47:
Though framed, the canopy was still simple plexiglass. (rounds hitting above and to the side could kill the pilot) This type of volnerabillity is common to nearly all a/c but the chances of getting hit there are not very high. Even the A-10 Warthog ("Thunderbolt II") is volnerable to this.
well anyway the mission may have lost one of the greatest pilots but it did work
Found this thread hoping to learn something about Butch O' Hare, all I saw was a grammar attack on a person that was interested in learning about something!

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