What I Have Been Reading of Late

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I just got back from 18 months in rural Japan and have been going a little stupid in my favourite bookstore (which, funnily enough, happens to be Japanese).

In the past 2 months I have bought and read

'Armageddon'; Max Hastings
'The Battle of France, 1940'; Phillip Warner
'Decision in Normandy'; Carlo D'este
'Point Blank and Beyond'; Lionel Lacey-Johnstone
'Damned Good Show'; Derek Robison (which is Britains answer to 'Catch 22')
'Motor Gunboat 658'; L.C. Reynolds
'The Battle of Britain'; Derek Dempster and Derek Wood

and I have just started 'The Road To Stalingrad'; John Erickson

I also had a look at the new Stephen E. Ambrose book "The Victors" but put it back on the shelf after reading just 5 or 6 pages. It is a real shame that he passed away recently. He was a great historian, even if I did find a lot to disagree with in his writing.
probably the aviation title of the year JG 300 by Jean Yves Lorant and Richard Goyat, first volume in English by Eagle Editions. 2nd volume in the French is due out on 10 November 2005....JG 300

the first volume is huge with some interesting profiles. JG 300's Bf 109G's probably had the most varied camo of any Luftwaffe a/c during the war.

E ~
The Mighty Eighth is a great read.... Alot of stories and paragraphs from the guys that sat there watching those Fw-190A8-R2's blast away with those heavy cannons, witnessing their bretheren fall out of the sky....

Some really hardcore commentary Track.....

If that JG-300 book wasnt so expensive erich, I'd already have ordered it.... Have u read through it yet????
the old adage you get what you pay for I suppose

yes 75.00 is a bit much but I do not think big thick 6 lb books are going to be much cheaper in the future and with wonderful paper and clear pics it is hard to beat.

I am only on page 43 right now in volume 2. the EE volume 2 is probably ging to be out in spring opf 2006, plenty of time for me to save my bucks.

I shall have to get The Mighty Eighth Les. I haven't long finished reading a book called Forgotten Voices of the Great war by Max Arthur in a similar vane it has words from the fellas who saw the bayonet end of the 14-18 war slaughter
real brings home the rough time they had,(the times change but the shit don't).
Sounds a good read Les.
By the By hope everything is OK with your house? after loosing the end in the blow , the missus was asking and gave me a bollocking for not inquiring sooner.
Nah man its all cool... Tell ur wife I appreciate the bollocking, and to give u another one for good measure... Im sure somewhere, somehow, u deserve it....

Work still hasnt started on the demo/repairs... Our insurance adjuster had a stroke and has dropped off the face of the planet.... He has not turned in his documents... My wife and I are getting to the point of utter frustration.... The insurance company cant even get a hold of the guy....
Is'nt that fucking typical Les I bet when its time for your premium to be renewed they speed up taking your dosh ok.
I get bollocked on a regular basis by the wife Les so your wish should be carried out within the next couple of days i'm sure.
I get bollocked on a regular basis
I dont know of a married man who doesnt get atleast a quarterly bollocking....

Piss on insurance companies... Several of my friends have already gotten screwed over.... Karma is a bitch, and these pricks will find out sooner or later....

Maybe they'll come back as Black Crackheads livin in the projects or something... One can only hope...
We have already spoken to the insurance people about a new adjuster, and they said they will do something within the next week or so.... We'll see....

Big thick 6 pound book???? Jesus Christ, it'll cost me 20 bucks to ship.... I didnt know it was such a large book... Maybe worth the 80 bucks after all.... Im sure, from what u and ur website have been saying, that the info in it is info found nowhere else...

I told my wife to buy me one for Xmas, but she sucks at Xmas shopping... I'll probably end up putting it on my credit card and buy myself an early present....

Have u already read Volume 1 erich????
Currently I'm reading some older relase of BBARÁK Hip Hop Magazine

Les no only to page 43 but have scimmed through the first volume many times. The book cost 10.00 to ship to me so yes 85.00 smackers. Its worth it but if you want to see a truck load of STurmFw pics then the second one is THEE book. I think over the next 5-8 years there will probably about zilch in the way of new represented German Luftwaffe materials except for the old rehash of the 1960-70's mistakes regarded as truth
ok Les, sorry...........

I have the English volume 1 by E.E.. The French version of volume 1 came out first. volume 2 in English is not due till next spring I suppose but the French version will be released on 10 of November next month.

At present I am deliberately reading the first volume very slowly and sucking it all in as I have some questions about the missions.

by the way hip hop is crap .... 8)
I was reading a book called True Honor. Its about a Navy SEAL and this CIA agent who both like each other and when 9/11 happens, the SEALs squad are sent all over the world to hunt terrorist.

Im also reading this book:


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