What if the Luftwaffe technological gambles worked out?

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And to add to that Speer's success was not based solely on his own capabilities. It was largely on his ability to cut out the party b#llsh#t. He had direct access to Hitler, much to men like Bormann's annoyance. He once famously threatened a meeting of Gauleiters, by a well understood inference, with concentration camps. The old Nazis were both outraged and threatened because they knew of Speer's personal relationship with Hitler.
Speer was Teflon coated. Anybody else would have been executed by Hitler towards the end of the war, and he should have been executed by the Allies after the war, given the criteria by which others (particularly Sauckel) were condemned.
Some cats have ten lives.
...BTW, metapedia seem to be holocaust revision/denial site. FWIW.

IHMO worse than that, I tried to find an article 'Bombing of Great Britain', not surprisingly in view of the terminology used in Germany article, nothing. Same results with 'Bombing of Warsaw' etc. Then looked the article 'London' and that was even worse than I have expected.

I had to google metapedia didnt I, I knew it would be bad but what the f**k is wrong with some people how can they write and believe this cr*p.

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