.......What is a tank???

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knowing him, he'll say it's computer gennerated, he thinks the lanc in my siggy's comp. generated, it's not, it's the city of lincon.............
Hahah. Well that Finnish one isn't. And yours definately isn't.

I might even show captured Shermans with German markings...some Germans did enjoy them especially the reliability.
i think the chirchill could have been one of the great tanks of the war if they'd put sloped armour in it, it had allot of armour on it don't get me wrong, but it should have been slopped...............
No, no it couldn't have been. The ONLY thing it had was decent armour. 152mm maximum on the Mk. VII-VIII but it was poor, low visibilty, under-armed, unreliable, slow..basically it was a poor tank.

It proved itself in Italy though as a great infantry support tank, even with that, we should have replaced it with the newer 17 pdr armed tanks that we had lined up.
This is a Mk. II Churchill but...

...it was poor, notice the 3 inch howitzer in the front, this was soon replaced with a MG. The British had many much better tanks.

For C.C...

...that's a captured Sherman Firefly, the Firefly is a Sherman M4A2 with a British 17 pdr (77mm) gun in it, which improved the tanks hitting power greatly it could finally match the Tiger.

This T-34 isn't so good now, is it?
It wasn't actually Lanc, there was a M4A3 (76W) which had a 76mm cannon, the British 17 pdr was a 77mm cannon.
Well you can't be refering to a tank with that since most mortars had a hard time hitting tanks, you have to have good aim to hit it.
ok maby not not a maoters but 38 pound shells and you would not see it again
If most things got hit by a 38 pdr they'd be pretty much screwed. The thing is a 38 pdr AT gun was just too heavy, if it had been designed. The British 17 pdr was perfectly acceptable as an AT gun. And the 25 pdr Howitzer that we had throughout the war, I'm sure would have destroyed any tank it hit.

It was very hard hitting tanks in those days, no computer aided guidance.
If you hit it at point blank range, into its rear you could destroy it with a 6 pdr. We didn't have a 12 pdr AT gun anyway.

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