Does anyone remember SWOTL- Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe from Lucasarts 1989? In my estimation it was the most versitle flight sim ever with some feature never being bettered. I had fun with that one. Got me started modding too.
That was a fun one. I also played campaigns in "Their Finest Hour". It was great for it's time, although I am sure that TFH probably looks really dated now.
Battle of Britain by Talonsoft the strategy game where you plot all the various missions using the various units that participated in BoB and by the way it was Telstar that had the original pong but I guess that dates me
Does anyone remember SWOTL- Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe from Lucasarts 1989? In my estimation it was the most versitle flight sim ever with some feature never being bettered. I had fun with that one. Got me started modding too.