Scanning through either Netflix or Amazon Prime (Can't remember which).
Top of the World about a jet fighter pilot who's age has caught up with him (Dale Roberson) and is reassigned to Ladd field in charge of the weather station, who then gets trapped on an ice floe about 200 miles from the North Pole. Not a bad movie at all, of course there's a love story but this one actually makes sense and the plot is not bad either. I can recommend it on that alone BUT...
Some good shots of C-47's with skis, F-94's do a couple of flyovers and the big bonus is when Frank Lovejoy jumps into an F-82 and burns up some sky, goes by the C-47 like a bullet.
Also, Evelyn Keyes and Nancy Gates...
Yowza and Hubba Hubba... Talk about sexy but still classy, worth it just to see those two.
After that was
Bailout at 43,000 about testing the bombardier ejection seat on the B-47, again, good dialog and plot, not campy (well, not too campy) and moved along at a nice pace. Actually was fairly believable and John Payne plays the lucky guy to test the seat, one of my favorite actors from the 40's and 50's. All turn in a solid performance and I'd say they both run counter to the normal 40's - 60's schlock plots and dialog you normally get and both films are around 90 minutes.