What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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In typical England style though, just when we get a good team it will all be shaken up and we'll be hopeless for another 18 years.

Just finished watching the 5th test...
cheddar cheese said:
In typical England style though, just when we get a good team it will all be shaken up and we'll be hopeless for another 18 years.

Just finished watching the 5th test...

it's gonna be the same in rugby, we wont be able to hold onto the world cup.........
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
And you guys are going to balk out at the FIFA World Cup in Germany too this year!

damn straight, especially now that the stupid newspapers have forced Sven to retire, my god what were they thinking, publishing all that stuff about our best manager for a long time months before the world cup!

and i saw rat race last night, bloody brilliant.........
Charlie and the Choclate Factory. The new version with Johnny Depp - a truly excellent actor. And I found the movie quite amusing. That movie could be made for adults and be much more gory 'n' interesting.

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