What kind of car do you drive?

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Yeap they are very capable vehicals. Eveyone who has owned one will tell you the same thing that you said. I really enjoyed driving one aroudn when I borrowed it for a few months. We went and did some mudding with it! Damn that **** was fun. The best part afterwards was you removed the plug in the floor and hosed her down and everything drained out.

A true off road vehical keeping with the design of the original military jeep.
Last year when we flew into Brewton, AL there was an englishman there, which was strange in and of itself, but he was a collector and restorer of WWII jeeps. He rented space in a hangar and had one completely restored jeep, and a couple others. Very nice vehicles - the completely restored jeep he had running too.
I would love to buy an old Willys Jeep. I guess you can say I love Jeeps of all kinds from the old to new.

Something I like about all Jeeps no matter what model it is even the Grand Cherokee and the Libertys and so forth is that they keep atleast some one of of the famouse grill from the old Willys Jeep. It might be modern looking but it keeps the same design. You see it and you know Jeep.

That's a trademarked item i believe, the grill. I vaguely remember jeep going after hummer (gm) for the grill used on the H2, claiming an infringment.
Cars...well gentlemen, i respect your choices, but say, just like tattoos, XXX movies or drugs...cars are not for me. I had one when i lived in Mexico City but was given to me by the company i am still working for.

It has always been difficult for me to understand people who have a crush on cars. Buying an item that immediately commences losing its value (depreciation), and that right after a couple of years will get overshadowed by "newer versions" of the same type of car making you feel "you need the latest one" seems hard to comprehend.

The only probable exception to such idea could be one of those millionaires who collect cars...any of you belong in this category?

Someone once said to me (a car fan): "Well mate, everything you buy will have its 15 minutes of fame and will gradually fade in preference and will also deteriorate...", possibly right...possibly...

Yes: my clothing will eventually deteriorate and could end in the dustbin, or in the hands of some barefoot beggar...same with my shoes...my books? my CDs? my surfboards?...how fortunate the man with none.

Another common argument of people who buy cars: "hey dude, for most people cars do not mean luxury, they are a necessity". You know for those living in real huge cities. I used to live in one of the largest cities on earth, and i had a car...most times i used the subway or the bus, even asked for rides when it came to go out clubbing on weekend nights.

Even if i have the money to buy almost whaetever car there is, i do not plan to become the owner of one. Rather, when i retire, at 35 -still more than a decade away-, i will buy me a piece of land in the southern pacific where i will become the Robinson Crusoe of the XXI century. When i dissappear i will leave the GPS coordinates of my island so you can drop by and visit me if you wish -and show me some survival skills-. 8)

Just a personal preference, i know.
I understand what you are saying, but for some people it is a necessity. Where I live out in the country if you do not have a car, you dont get to work, you dont get to the grocery store or what not.

I dont need grandious cars that cost lost of money, but since I need a car I might as well buy something that I like. I love Jeeps therefore I buy Jeeps.

I do agree about the new car thing. I dont really care to buy brand new cars because you pay more than what the car is worth because of depreciation just when it drives off the dealers lot.
Some people get their thrills from cars, some people get theirs from airplanes, ehhh. If it makes you happy to buy them, go for it!
Adler: agreed.

You should see Mexico City someday...never in my life i had the chance of coming across a "culture of cars". Possibly Moscow makes a good opponent in this department.

Middle-class mexicans are totally nuts about cars. Having a new car gives you "social acceptance". A true stupidity. Guys that even lack the financial resources to buy a new car manage to get a new one from car dealers...does not matter if he will lose it in the near future, what matters is to impress people in your environment -and get girls- at least for some time.

It does not matter if you look like Shrek, or if you are a barely literate punk, if you drive an expensive new car, you have made your way through.

Had the chance of meeting guys who would feel bad about not having the possibilty of changing their 2003 model for a 2005.
Well I was still driving a 1995 until a few days ago when it got t-boned by a guy who was not paying attention. If the insurance will not pick my car I probably will buy a new Jeep. Not a 2007 though but rather a 2004 or 2005. Not because I have to have it, but because I love Jeeps. I would rather have my 1995 again because I loved the damn thing.
2004 Nissan Frontier king cab. Hopefully after this summer I will start building either a Factory Five Cobra replica or a 1920's Ford Model T. My wife has a 2002 Honda Accord. Fantastic car, and it is the only type of car she will buy.
I did a search locally and there are 27 1995 grand Cherokees for sale only 1 Landrover defender though
If its the bit im thinnking of, that's called the sill.

New cars...yeah, buying brand new cars is a bit pointless unless you're the kind of person who runs the same car for 7/8 years or more. I've always had an almost sexual obsession with cars and im probably the kind of person who will end up restoring cars and the like. I love driving them, looking at them, working on them and racing them.

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