What kind of car do you drive?

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Not exactly a car but this is my new Arkansas ride. Second set of pics is the "road" I have to drive to get to the dock where the boats are docked. Used to take the Jeep but my 2002 has seen better days and with 130,000 miles the clutch has too. The Cat is 2-wheel, 4-wheel (limited slip front wheels), or locked 4-wheel. the big baloon tires are 10psi and really grip and soak up the bumps. The auto-trans has low and high plus reverse and will do 50 -55 mph on the open road. Not street legal but no one here cares though I tend to just use it to get to the dock and back
Road Pics:
1. Top of road looking down about 15%
2. Aout 1/3 down about 20%
3. About 2/3 down about 25%
4. Turning the bottom corner, dock on extreem right
5. Looking back on corner
6. Final 180 turn to dock
7. My dock from where the water level was in July about a 40ft drop


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