What made me sad today...

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Turned into a very difficult evening for my children. They really miss their mom, but she doesn't usually cross the street to see them on the weekends. I had a minor break down myself as it's very difficult with school starting next week for them, and myself. It's going to be a very stressing school year for all involved.
He was a very independent man and I knew what it must have meant to him.

Ed,, that's exactly it. Even though my mom couldn't remember her own home address, I could see how ashamed she felt needing to be helped with such a basic need. Me being me, of course I told her "You wiped my ass when I couldn't do it, I'll do it when you can't," which probably wasn't a great thing to say, but at least she knows I won't blow smoke .... so far as she can remember it all.

It's a shit sandwich. She's gotten better, can excrete and clean herself up, but still can't cook for herself or remember where she is. But seeing that lost look in her eyes just fucking hurts.

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