What was it about the black crosses on the wings that made German aircraft the best?

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The correct question is "would German airplanes still been superior to all other if the crosses on their wings had been red instead of black?"

No, I think the theory is that black crosses make everything superior. The best of the best, most superior of all.

Hell it could turn a Po-2 into the most dominant piston engines fighter of 1945.

Do you have any data or info that helps prove this theory?
Obviously not, or I wouldn't be asking.

We all know the theory, we just need to prove it.
Prove theories in a holy war? I'm afraid that's not realistic. But I can give you some arguments. The Po-2s kept the German pilots awake and terribly annoyed them with their archaic design when encountered in the air. As a result, the mental health of German pilots was severely undermined. This was the main reason for Soviet victories on the Eastern Front.
With other words, it is because of the speed of dark.

No such thing as a holy war here. That's been explained already.

So back to the actual discussion…

Lets take your Bf 109 as a case study. How did the Black Crosses make it the most superior fighter built in WW2? Victory could only be stolen from it.
What is also obvious is that black paint is lighter than coloured paint as it lacks the colour. This weight difference is so significant that it increases climbing speed and agility.
Further more it does not reflect radar ( the F117 was black as well, remember) so they were more difficult to detect than British fighters with their coloured roundels.

Thanks, I did not know that!

The things you learn talking with the guys on the living room couch.

Now you know why the Dutch lost most of their aircraft in the early morning of may 10th 1940. It was not the low number of aircraft, but it was solely due to those nasty, big, orange triangles on the wings.

Black Crosses > Orange Triangles

Edelweiss > Tulips

Allgäuer Emmentaler > Gouda

Deutsche Fussballnationalmannschaft > Nederlands Voetbalelftal

(Shots fired with the Euros coming my friend… )

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