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Lordy, lordy Master Wojtek, the man with infinite resources. Great stuff. Port wingtip damaged. most likely replaced by a part from one of the scores of aircraft that fell on British soil. Sooooooo.....my final say on the port wing is that it is in Luftwaffe colors, less faded than the trailing edges, right or wrong. For the starboard wing, I think I'll do light and dark variations of the RAF colors, again right or wrong. The wing tip color and those on the leading edge slats seem to be darker.


EDIT: Just posted that I was off to colorize the wing and seen your latest post. BEAUTIFUL MAESTRO!!!! Thy will be done.
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Glad you found the pics. Please give me a little bit more of time and I can make the layout for the port wing too. As far as the colours of the wing are concerned.... the basic camo colours seem to be the RAF paints. But I would say the aileron and flap could have been repaired or ... it seems that the wing got damages and might have been fixed with parts taken from other planes.
Geo.. after a while of staring at the pic of the port wing I decided to correct the diagram a little bit. Here you are...

My plan is to start with the darkest shade of the colors first and then tone them down for the rest. (I just noticed I forgot to do the DE on the far right of the slat). Would light grey be better than white for toning down the colors?

*The right side pencil marks were done at 3:00 a.m.

Geo, I was looking for more info about the Bf 109E. The interesting thing I found is that the White1 ( W.N.1304) had undersides of ailerons, flaps and elevators still of the RLM65 on the day of her handing over to the RAF . The longer looking at the two shots of her undersides the more getting convinced the elevators still being of the colour. And this is the reason of the different shades between the elevator and the stabilizer colours methinks. So the coat of stabilizers should be the yellow indeed.

Also I would like to make a focus on the stabilizer struts. It seems the starboard one was of light colour while the port one is of the dark paint. It is suggested by these pic above. Of course it is possible the port one was of the dark colour while the kite was examining by the RAF. But what reason for keeping it of dark colour would be if the LW colour for the parts was the RLM65 wouldn't it? The image below reveals that the starboard strut was of the yellow colour during RAF tests.

As far as the colour of the port strut is concerned ... the shots of her taken before sending to the USA and the one taken in the USA indicate the yellow colour for the strut. Although the first image below may suggest the dark paint there, the Gama correction reveals the light coat of the strut.

But the picture taken during the RAF trials may confirm the port strut could have been of the DG or DE colour ... though it is quite difficult to state.

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Beauty. The more variations, the better. Dk. Earth done though I'm not sure if I like it. I wanted to leave it patchy but I may have overdone it. And of course, after the photo I notice that I didn't lighten the flap area as I did with the aileron.

With regards to the upper wing roundels. They don't show up very well in the photos. Would they have been severely faded or scrubbed out? They also seem to be smaller than the Spitfire and Hurricane, a few millimeters in 1/48 scale.

I would say these RAF roundels were quite extensively faded like the entire wing coat. Regarding the dimension.. it is said these roundels were of the B type but their dimension could have been adjusted to the wing chord at the painting area.
Oh yes.... the main proportion for the B roundel was c=2/5n where the "n" was the dimension of the blue disk and the "c" that was the dimension of the inner red-brick circle. In the way it was quite easy to adjust the roundel to the wing knowing its chord there.
Thank you sir. I measured the roundel on photo and if I recall, in 1/48, the red was roughly 8mm and the blue was 19mmish. I'm going to mask these and paint them though I'm still trying to figure out I'm going to achieve the faded look. My circle cutter only goes down to 1cm so I've got to find something smaller to use as a guide to cut the red circle. Top colors are done, looks rough. In the photo the flaps look ill fitting but that's just the light


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