What's on The Workbench

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I was playing that for the students, telling them that is my favorite alarm setting when he says "Exterminate, exterminate!"
Best of that was in an episode where the Daleks were invading Earth (that narrows it down doesn't it ?)
and there was a scene based in Germany so the Daleks are flying through some woods yelling Exterminate
but in German - it was scary.
The hinomarus were tricky. The ridges on the wings made it difficult to smooth them out. The worst part were the Aviaeology decals. They came off easy enough, but almost every number ripped or cracked on application. It was a real pain to apply them. I also had to work around the rigging, which made it more difficult. The seven for the Ki-9 came off the same sheet. The first one ripped in half, but I got that sob on there. The second must have been an accordion in a past life because sucker was folding faster than the Chicago White Sox. Tomorrow the barrel goes in back and on the K5Y1 the bomb gets painted.

Still a good effort Jesse and can I suggest that with some of your kits being quite old that you invest is some liquid decal film that helps to restore old decals by laying a thin transparent film over the decal and can help prevent the crumbling of brittle decals. It's easy enough to use, just apply with a brush and let it dry. Just a thought.

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