What's on The Workbench

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Liking those Japanese sea planes. I did a couple long ago, a Rufe and a Jake. I got more done on the Thud, slowed down as I found the canopy missing. I bought it on E Bay and it arrived in the sealed factory bag from the 90s, that old light flimsy plastic, no holes or cuts in the bag. I started the build and when it came time to fit the canopy it wasn't there! I found another kit cheap WITH the canopy and it will be here hopefully the end of this week. I did some sanding, touch up paint and built some ordinance.
F105F 12.jpg
Students loved the planes. It's a shame I don't have more time. The girls really liked them. That always surprises me. Next up for completion, the Tamiya D3A1 from the IJN Hiryu.
This is also a giveaway. I had to paint on the stripes around the fuselage and on the horizontal stabilizers. The wheel spats needed the specific design as all of the six Kido Butai carriers had different designs. Gee thanks for that!
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To be followed by the Ki-9 Divine Wind plane.



Added some chip marks and blemishes, but not too many. I still have to paint the drums. This was going to be a giveaway, but after I added the rigging, I decided it's not bad for my first rigging. So, it's a keeper.
I have two planes on my desk in the classroom. One is a triplane and the other a 1/100 scale F1M2. One of the young littles is from El Salvador. She was forced to flee one night with her mother so they wouldn't be killed by the secret police. Her sister died, so it's been tough for her since she arrived. She's one of my best and brightest and was very curious about the planes. I found her one on EBay and gave it to her, She couldn't stop playing with it. She's asking questions about the planes. All of my young boys love the planes. I have given out several kits. Hopefully their interest will grow from there.
The D3A1 has it's little bits. Had to make a machine gun for this since this was made for the canopy to be closed. I didn't like that, so I cut off the end where it shows it being open and manufactured a MG as close as I could make it to what they had installed. Finished applying a coat and will apply another coat tomorrow This weekend she will get her decals for the IJN Shokaku 'EI-208' May 1942.
AIchi D3A1 IJN Shokaku May 1942 WWIIP.png


The D3A1 has it's little bits. Had to make a machine gun for this since this was made for the canopy to be closed. I didn't like that, so I cut off the end where it shows it being open and manufactured a MG as close as I could make it to what they had installed. Finished applying a coat and will apply another coat tomorrow This weekend she will get her decals for the IJN Shokaku 'EI-208' May 1942. View attachment 781762
View attachment 781763
View attachment 781764
Which kit was this? I'm sure somewhere back up it says, but I'm missing it. Nice work btw.
Almost ready to paint Italeri 72nd A-6E Intruder. Just need to sand one seam and paint nose wheel well. I put the TRAM turret, and wing pylons on tonight. I will leave the stabs off, tail hook and weapons until after it is painted and on it's feet.
Intruder 9.JPG
Should have used the Aeromaster decals from the start. I did use the original ones (learned that lesson the hard way. The two large hinomarus tore and had to replace them. The 'EI-208' is more dark than I would like it to be, but it is what it is. Made a decal for the white panel with aircraft details usually found nearer the tail. One more coat and it's ready to go for the drawing.


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