What's on The Workbench

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Arado AR-196 Penang Malaya 1944 of the East Asia Naval Special Service. This was sitting upstairs with the other 50 or so Japanese aircraft that await a coating of gloss and decals. They all need decals too. That will be chore because I painted them specifically to match the decals I have. One of the kids gave me a birthday invitation, which I couldn't make. She really wanted a plane. I picked this one out because it's slightly larger for 1/72 scale and not as fragile. I will be mailed out for a gift along with some cash. Yes, I am putting off the rigging on the Ki-3. Maybe tonight.

Rigging was way easier than anticipated. Tried to use to the new stuff I bought, but I think I was too inpatient or couldn't get it to work the way I wanted. I ended up doing a Raiders of the Lost Kit and snatched out the wire rigging for one of the many Ki-9s sitting in storage. Once I had that, finished the rigging in under two hours. Gave it another coat. installed bomb racks, and waiting for a good dry so I can apply the decals. I really enjoyed building my first resin kit. It builds up into a nice solid plane. There were the learning errors, but I expected that. Some parts did get lost or had to be replaced, which I was lucky enough to be able to replace with the parts box.

Thank you Geo! It was as hard as the member who mentioned it being difficult (who I haven't seen since) said it would be. I think building as many 1/72 kits as I have has me given lots of experience with tackling models in general. I have attached and detail so many tiny cockpits for many little kits, that building this was great compared to those despite the difficulties that came with making one. I had some 1/72 resin kits, but sold them. I did get more in 1/72 but they are those big float planes and bombers. No more little resin kits for me. I love the way it came out and how the problems I had made me come up with solutions overcoming the kit's limitations. The next projects after this is completed is going to be a variety.
Next in line five kits. I am going with the sheets for the A5M4 and Ki-27. There are many beautiful options. I was thinking either an aircraft from the Hosho or the Zuiho. You gents all know I like the unusual or different. Those are 8 and 9 I like 6 too, from the Akagi.

The Nakajima Ki-27 is more difficult to chose from. I want something other than the usual early drab color schemes.

I was thinking No.3 or 5 from sheet 6. Sheet 4 options I like are 2-4. No.2 has a lot going on marking wise.

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