What's on The Workbench

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Please forgive my following blurb, going fuckin' nuts at the moment...

My workench is being cleared at moment as I am currently going through what Terry Pratchett called 'the long dark tea-time of the soul'.
I can't finish anything at all. There is always so much work to get the kits accurate, and I am not satisfied if they are not accurate. I have had a gutsful of filling and sanding. The only free time I get to do modelmaking (or anything for myself) is after 22:30 when the kids are asleep, but by then I'm bloody tired and can't concentrate. What you see me do here is usually done around midnight. My eyes are wrecked from all the inspection I do at work all day (I make medical devices). All my inspirational ideas and motivation come while I'm at work and can't get to the bench, and are gone by the time I get home, whether written down or not. In short I'm just mentally drained and have no idea how or when I will ever be able to do this hobby properly. (Probably when I retire, by which time I will be even more shattered than I am now)

Again, sorry for the blurb - but this is my real life finally getting the boot in once and for all, and not the usual me who stubbornly dreams of being able to make fucking masterpieces in a stupidly small scale.

Really, I shouldn't even post this, as I will bounce back again soon enough, I usually do. Fact remains though that I haven't completed a kit since 2013, when I still lived in Hungary. It's getting more than a little depressing...
Evan I understand. Think we all do. This is a hobby and it's theoretical supposed to be enjoyable and freaking relaxing damn freaking plastic, head banging on the wall!

Anyway, family is always far more important than some plastic or woodworking or metalwork or whatever. Take time to still thy self and get back at it when you have time to breathe.
Evan, I sometimes wish the kids were little again. But I really enjoy their friendship as grown ups. Just suggesting you be cautious about these most important people and their times. I sincerely know that the kid stuff can be consuming.

A friend of mine got to where you are and just set a completed model on fire on the back porch. As the saying goes, if you can destroy it, it doesn't control you. Sometimes a break can clear one's head.

Notwithstanding, we can all strongly identify with your plight. I still am under the delusion of that masterpiece build of which you speak. I hope I'm not coming across as preachy.
Evan, you are with friends, many of whom have been, and passed through similar predicaments myself included so we understand. As you have said, this will pass and you will once again pick up plastic a muse over what you can make of it, but in the meantime rest yourself up and when your ready, just pop in to say 'Hi' for we will be here and will be mighty glad to see you.
Cheers guys, I figured many of you would know damn well what I'm talking about. All comments much appreciated.

My wife and kids are of course the most important things in my life, and hobbies will always come second place to them. God knows the kids will be old enough to not want to be near me soon enough, so I am enjoying this time with them, and trying to help them in their interests (My son is 9, my daughter 5).
Work is work. Not much anyone can do about that until you can retire. 16 years to go...
I will indeed keep plugging away with the kits somehow as usual, but some goals there will have to change. Group builds are definitely out of the question though - too annoying and embarrasing.

Cheers again guys for all the comments. Happy to see you guys making progress and hope to join yas there some day!
I have the same trouble at times. One way from is to make a model base for the finished product (which I haven't finished).

Can be therapeutic as making a concrete or grass looking base is relatively easy and definitely easier for the eyeballs as the
detail is not minute. After I finish the base I then end up wanting to finish the model and plonk it on the base. Works for me
anyway (except with the damn 1/700th scale Tirpitz I was given as a present about 400 years ago - it is shrunk down from
the same manufacturers detailed 1/350th kit so the parts are not my best friends - unfortunately a grass or concrete looking
base doesn't really work for the Tirpitz - one day though).

*Whispering David Attenborough voice*...

'And here, we see the Tryhard, Mojus Lackus, in its somewhat natural habitat....

'It is an mature member of the species, having developed the familiar face expressions and skull carapace but still lacking the distinct mandibles often referred to as a rebreather. And yet, in the light of the blue Glasgow moon, it has ventured to the workbench to partake in a ritual known as the Glue Dance. It will, sadly, glue itself to a number of parts before dawn....

*Background noise*

Ok, who the f*ck screwed this up!?

F*ck knows when we'll see him again at the workbench, you b*stards scared him off!
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