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My attempt at yuks, (See,8th A.F. one man out."stories") was firmly and sans fanfare halted, granted my humour is a tad off kilter. I respect this forum and those who contribute. At 47yrs I fancied myself a bit the sage at WWII aviation, but these guys are serious, huge stores of data, minutia and anecdotes. So I contribute when I can, avoid arguments (I'd lose most of them anyway.) and learn something from this unique coalition of to agree with Adler here... This place has its own personality, and until u adjust to it, u should keep ur fat yap shut and have fun...
corsairfreak said:For me, it started at a very early age. I was born in 1970, and as a child growing up in the '70's, I remember watching Baa Baa Black Sheep with my parents
That is infact correct Oh Master of the Eweish... Bill Case, 3rd highest scoring Black Sheep with 8 kills....Lanc said:if memory serves me correctly the grandfather ( ) of our very own les was a blacksheep.