When did you first become interested in Warbirds?

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I recently tidied my desk, ah the joys of not having to look past a metre hugh pile of cds

When my girlfriend goes off line ill unplug the camera and take a picture. 8)
Medvedya said:
I wouldn't go as far as saying my desk was tidy!

I was expecting a jeering remark about the wanky printer we still have (it's being replaced with a laser)

Mine sucks too, but I'm getting a Photo Printer/Scanner/Copier from HP soon, then I'll update those pics about WW2 aircraft I posted...
Thanks guys. I actually have on the budget to get a P-38 in March. I will be getting that and probably one other, maybe 2 more. I have been wanting a P-38, but am gonig to have a heck of a time fitting it into the case. I guess it's time for another case! 8)
Ill probably need more shelves, enough room for another 4 or 5 and then ill have to get more me thinks. Which is a worry cos I already have 7 models on the assembly line

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