Master Sergeant
Taking a shot of a nude minor is child porn and should be threated as such.
And if you want to know the difference between art and porn, it's rather easy... A nude girl is art. A nude girl with something in her ass or p*ssy is porn.
You are making two opposite arguments here!
Is it A.)
Taking a shot of a nude minor is child porn
Or B.)
A nude girl is art.
And what is your definition of "minor" or "child"? 16? 17? 18?
Is it the age of consent of the girl in her home country or state? The state where the picture was taken? The home state of the photographer?
If you took pictures of your 19 yr old wife nude in Tunisia should you be charged with child porn? {age of consent is 20 there}
Is it Ok to take "art pictures" of a nude 13 yr old girl in Mexico if she agrees? {age of consent is 12 in Mexico}
Should a 18 yr old be charged with child porn if he has nude pics of his 16 yr old girlfriend on vacation in California? {age of consent = 18}
What if they are both from South Carolina? {age of consent = 14}
Just playing devil's advocate here.
I'm asking where do you draw the line, I've met "mature" 16 yr old girls capable of making decisions about their own sexuality and 25 yr old mental "basket cases" who are not.