When modelling was sexy...

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Capt. Vick

Jul 23, 2008
Long Island, New York

Unless you were paying careful attention and had the luck to have been born at the right time, you probably missed the very brief moment when Airplane Modelling was actually considered sexy. According to Airfix, that moment took place between the months of August and September 1995, as proclaimed on the back of Scale Aircraft Modelling magazine for those two months. I was 27/28 at the time, having a September birthday, and I distinctly remember becoming instantly more attractive to the ladies as if by magic! What a fun two months that was. Please share your experiences if you were lucky enough to have been "Born at the Right Time".
Sad to say but that sums up the problem with modelling. One of the first "Airfix Magazine" issues I bought had a scratch built Tornado in the early 1970s built from artists impressions, It was put into service and just retired last year. There just aren't enough new planes.
Sad to say but that sums up the problem with modelling. One of the first "Airfix Magazine" issues I bought had a scratch built Tornado in the early 1970s built from artists impressions, It was put into service and just retired last year. There just aren't enough new planes.

They have to take more subjects from the past and also include what if markings to add more appeal.

Sea Ranger
Umm. Are you sure this isn't all a fabrication? I don't ever remember plastic models being "sexy." It's like motorcycle gear being sexy-diametrically opposed.

As to comments about those adds, I have nothing dignified to say...
A professional photographer friend of mine said, "Gee, I wish I had thought of that first." when I sent him that shot.
She's going to get uncomfortably hot in that tub over an open fire? Possible caption, "Ya know what really burns my butt...?"
The young lady aside, what is Eduard trying to sell??? I don't see anything that could help in the construction of plastic models. Maybe, that's not the point.
What's the point? There are two points in that picture but I'll need some special image enhancement software to see them. And I need some steelbelts, whatever that is.

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