Major General
The list of Britsh aircraft that should have been cancelled is significant. Sterling, Botha, Albacore, Lerwick, Hampden, Lysander, Albemarle, Roc, Defiant, Bisley.
List is a bit harsh. Stirling gets a bit of a bad rap for being the first 4 engine British bomber and the fact that both production lines were bombed just as production was starting delayed it's service debut by months. It should have gone into action 3-5 months before the Halifax, not one month before. After you have two factories tooled up and producing it gets a lot harder to cancel.
Botha should have been a no-brainer even on the drawing board.
Albacore gets a bit trickier. Canceled when and in favor of what? It should have been and was an improvement in many respects over the Swordfish, enclosed heated cockpit for one thing. It just wasn't enough of an improvement to compete with monoplanes. Taurus engine troubles were a bit hard to foresee. Waiting for the Barracuda might not have been a good option.
Lerwick was canceled fairly soon. Several other countries/companies totally screwed up flying boat bottoms and had to start form almost scratch on new fuselage/hull bottoms. Consolidated Coronado for one.
Original hull form and "single" rudder.
as modified.
Not sure what the problem with the Hampden was? But you weren't going to get much else for the investment. A four engine bomber using Pegasus engines is a non-starter.
Lysander should have been replaced by Austins in 1940. That was a real carry over from the 1930s requirements even if the airframe/wing had innovations.
Albemarle might have been better if introduced sooner but is also an example of conflicting requirement/s and too little design staff. It also ties into the last on the list.
The Bisley. Only real reason for building the Bisley was the failure of the air ministry and British air industry to come up with a NEW light/medium bomber using modern engines and concepts (see Albemarle) like a 3-5 seat medium bomber/attack plane using Hercules engines. They couldn't build Mosquitos fast enough to equip the numbers of needed squadrons and all to many squadrons had to fight using ole/obsolete aircraft.
Wholesale cancellations of air-frames and engines already in large scale production could mean the loss of hundreds of airframes or engines during the change over period.