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I should clarify something about naming. here in Australia, most people refer to the carbine as the M1, whilst the garand is just the garand. I realize that is technically wrong but it is the naming convention I'm used to.
sorry if ive caused any confusion over this.
The overwhelming consideration for a military rifle are cost.
Production of the weapon is just one part of that issue. Durability or longevity is another. The supply of ammunition already in stock will often dictate the calibre that will be used
logistics is another big consideration. those nations that fielded a plethora of calibres and types suffered as a result of that diversity. Nations that remained standardised did better
The arguments about a self loader versus a reliable bolt axtion are very secondary to these more mundane considerations. If the cost of a weapon is prohibitive such as the otherwise excellent FG42 it is a waste of time, because you do not want to spend large amounts of limited money or factory space churning out over expensive or over complicated side arms and personal weapons. Personal weapons are responsible for no more than 10% of total casualties. by far the most important weapons are heavy weapons, Artillery in particular.
so for me, simplicity, cost, availability, standardisation are the main considerations.
M1 Garand is pretty much perfect as a main combat rifle.
Would take that over anything much else.
Of course, an assault rifle would have been nice but I is thinking to early for the WW2 in terms of mass use.
Yes, you can take the concept to the extreme and it will break eventually. bend a piece of wire back and forth and eventually it will snap. Doesn't diminish the concept, just proves that we are not thinking about the issue.......If we should take this idea to the extreme, then just issue rifle-muskets because we have them and they cost very little to operate? Or perhaps issue pistols or nothing at all?
Small arms may not cause a lot of casualties to the enemy, but what other weapon works better to defend the lives of your soldiers in a hazardous and unfriendly environment?
Even an expensive rifle does not cost much money in the military budget.
A good rifle may be expensive but a well trained soldier is a lot more expensive.
- Ivan.
Hello Shortround6,
Hello Parsifal,
While I am not in disagreement with you about priorities, I do not believe that the selection of the M1 Garand as the standard service rifle was at the expense of anything else. It was a relatively expensive rifle to produce, but that did not result in just token numbers in service. I believe there were about 4 million produced during the war.
From a tactical standpoint, the extra firepower of the Garand made up for the lack of a really good Light Machine Gun in US Army service.
The US Army had its issues, but every army had its issues at the time.
- Ivan.
The three rifles one assumes is the FAL, AK and M16.
SKS was always second fiddle to the AK apart from Kalashnikovs funeral!!!
I trained to fire and hit "dog" targets with the M1 out to 500 yards as part of USMC rifle training at boot campWell the Stg.44 is infact a "Rifle", but I can follow what you say. Maybe he should have written "Full powered rifle", then there would be no mistaken.
Also I agree that the K98k is a sweet thing to shoot, amazingly accurate and safe. I bet you could weld the barrell shut and the action still wouldn't blow up.(Wouldn't recommend trying it though)
Of the rifles above though, the M1 Garand is clearly the best, its semi-auto, easy to use, safe to use(Except there's a risk you might lose a finger when reloading), and its atleast as accurate as any of the rifles above out to 400m, which is more than enough in most situations.
It is debateable as to what impact (if any) the Garand had on overall defence capability. But this cuts both ways when you think about it.
Certainly the garand had a superior rate of fire to any of the older traditional rifles that it should be compared to, and no real vices in terms of accuracy or range. It had a couple of minor issues that are hardly even worth mentioning. Like all rifles of its era one could say it was a tad heavy and perhaps a little susceptible to dirt. Maybe. But it was a well designed and built piece of kit.
Pre-War/WWII Era USMC M1 Garands
Photos of army and marine platoons in mid 1941 through mid 1942 show the mix of rifles amongst recruits, allowing a glimpse into the somewhat complicated weapons armament situation during the early years of WWII and pointing to an inadequate supply of weapons for the army. After dunkirk the British army suffered from this problem as well, but was smart enough to stick to the script and churn out proven designs. About 1.5 million rifles were built domestically after 1940, and a further 3 million from the dominions, and the US, easily equalling garand output.