my friend, greetings ! yes there was a date or two, it is actually confusing and will have to check back in the microfische of both US nfs as I (hopefully) marked the date. On at least 3 intercepts in the fall winter of 44-45 the 422nd nfs chased Mossies by accident
E ~
Heyas Erich:
I'd be grateful if you could have a squizzo when you get a spare second or two.
I was actually "fishing" a little bit, to see if you had anything which matched up with this tale:
BBC - WW2 People's War
Hmmm, link doesn't appear to work well - full story (from a 305 Sqn. pilot) is:
Back to night operations again on 8th April. My aircraft was unserviceable so I flew Mosquito Letter V 'borrowed' from F/Sgt Earie who was on leave (he never ceases to remind me that I lost his brand new aircraft) Details of this operation: after briefing we took off to patrol Leipzig, Berlin, Magdeburg, Braunsweig area. Owing to the distance from base and the length of time for the flight we had to carry wing tanks with extra fuel. On patrolling the Berlin Magdeburg road we saw some movement, circled round and dropped flares on what was enemy transport. We attacked with machine gun and cannon fire. Transport stopped and appeared damaged but the flares went out before we could assess the extent of the damage. Returning at economical cruising to save fuel and flying at 4,000 ft, at about 2.00 am we were attacked by a night fighter. It fired a long burst of cannon fire and I immediately took violent evasive action, however the port engine caught fire. Tony operated the fire extinguisher and I feathered the propeller. A further burst of gun fire and the starboard engine caught fire. I throttled back and operated the fire extinguisher, but as the fire did not go out, ordered Tony to bale out. He clipped on his parachute, jettisoned the door and successfully abandoned the aircraft. During this manoeuvre the aircraft was losing height rapidly. I struggled out of my seat, having some difficulty getting my left leg passed the control column, and pulling the seat pack of my parachute clear of the bucket seat, at the same time trying to keep on an even keel. With some difficulty I reached the door and dived through the opening. I pulled the rip cord as soon as I was clear of the aircraft and I hit the ground almost simultaneously.When Tony {Rudd} arrived back he was able to provide some interesting details of our last flight. He was able to pinpoint the location and time of our being, shot down. A US P61 Black Widow night fighter put in a combat report claiming to have shot down a JU88 at precisely the position and time of incident. British intelligence proved that there were no enemy aircraft in that vicinity at that time. The A.O.C., Air Vice Marshall Sir Basil Embry, was not happy that one of his aircraft had been shot down by 'friendly fire'. (Reg Everson)
Of course, I've no idea if the gent's memory is accurate or not ...