Who was the most decorated WW-II military man ?

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The awarding of medals by any military has always been somewhat odd. There are definitely awards that are earned and well-deserved, while sometimes others are awarded and you are left shaking your head wondering how that happened. Everyone who has served deserves recognition and someone who goes well beyond the call of duty certainly does. One instance that I remember from my time in the service was a group of Army guys that were off-duty in a discotheque in Berlin (The La Belle) when it got bombed in 1986. They received purple hearts for that. I was like "Wait, what?". Those weren't combat injuries, yet they got them. I know many people from that time frame that were TDY in foreign places who got shot or wounded in actual combat and they didn't get squat. So I can fully understand how frustrating it can be. Sometimes it's political, sometimes it's just a matter of being in the right place at the right time.

That being said, I have a book of CMoH citations and a majority of them deserved it. It seems the ones that get the most attention are the ones who were unbelievably amazing or controversial.

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