I know they might be off but they obviously would not fake anything
I said this the other day "Include the toxic cockpit fumes, the extreme heat or cold, sitting on a lumpy seat while restrained with belts that almost cut through your soaking wet flight suit and have a 300 pound woman sit on you every time you pull Gs - oh while breathing smelly oxygen through a face mask that smells like a prophylactic."
You can sit there all day and believe you're able to do all soughts of things in an airplane while flying these "toys", but without the external stimulus, the real sights and sounds, the g-loads on your body, the continued dull nausea feeling in your stomach and the real world visual contacts (suddenly passing inches under a wing at 400 knots that catches you so badly by surprise your whole body twitches, you almost let go of the stick and throttle while almost excreting urine and feces at the same time), you're basically participating in a fantasy! All of this effects the way you fly and you can't simulate that while sitting at your PC in the comfort of your room set to a comfortable temperature while your favorite band is playing in the background!!! I've flown in simulated aerial combat a few times (a total armature) and I can tell you that despite knowing at the end of the day it was all a simulation, there were times under certain maneuvers and conditions, my pucker factor went up 85%. If our resident F-15 driver Biff read this, I'll let him pipe in.
I'm a flight instructor and many years ago I took up a brgadacious little twerp who told me he knew how to fly all types of aircraft because of his flight simulator experience, he was quite annoying and obnoxious. Well after getting in the air, performing very mellow 30 degree bank turns and a couple of stalls, the kid was almost puking. I really didn't want to do anything that wild as I didn't want to discourage his interest in flying and aviation, but I think he learned a lesson.
I hope you get the picture now!
As far as the Breda 88? TOTAL GARBAGE! The aircraft was under gunned, under powered and basically a death trap. They were actually used as decoy aircraft when Italian airfields were attacked!!! IMO the absolute worse combat aircraft of WW2!