why it is more important than ever to arm yourself

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Yup and: The Check is in the Mail; I'll Love You Forever; Don't worry, it's OK -- I'm sterile; I did not have sexual relations with that woman; I'm from the government. I'm here to help you.


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with a little education all wolves can become vegan....and it is up to us the civilized and intelligent members of the food chain to be patient with those wolves and help in that education.....

Our Labour party just appointed a vegan minister of agriculture, you cannot parody or satirise today's politics.
Yup and: The Check is in the Mail; I'll Love You Forever; Don't worry, it's OK -- I'm sterile; I did not have sexual relations with that woman; I'm from the government. I'm here to help you.
And to think, Monica fell for all of those lines. [Must admit though, she was better looking than Hillary.]
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SAN BERNARDINO: Authorities said there were three pipe bombs tied together in a bag at the scene, and the design indicated that suspects Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik appeared to believe their initial attack would draw a heavy law enforcement and emergency personnel response and left behind a device that would cause still greater casualties.
Am I a racist stereotyper or is there a pattern here?

Lord, make me fast and accurate.
Let my aim be true and my hand faster
than those who wish to harm me and mine.
Let not my last thought be "If only I had my gun".
and Lord, if today is truly the day you are to call me home,
Let me die in a pile of empty brass.
On the terrorist attack in Cali one of the news stationed mentioned it was "muslim workplace violence" So M.Levin said what was Paris? "muslin concert violence" The story coming out that these two had erased there digital trail 24hrs prior to the event ,this was planned pipe bombs and all.The old lady next store thought something was going on seen up to six people coming and going but did not feel compelled to report because of the threat of being labeled a racist!That's our PC world of today......
...The old lady next store thought something was going on seen up to six people coming and going but did not feel compelled to report because of the threat of being labeled a racist!...
And that is what annoys me today: everybody being offended or upset in our current society.

Can you imagine the social media shaming that poor woman would have gotten if she had reported those douchebags? (even though she was in the right to do so)
My sister lives in that area and works as a paramedic. I called her up when I heard about this on the radio. Before any facts were really known, she felt this was an odd place for a terrorist and thought initially as I did that it was some kind of copycat attack. Of course as more information came, it was clear what it was.
...she felt this was an odd place for a terrorist...
If you really stop and think about it, what better why to really drive home a message of fear?

Hit the small out of the way areas instead of trying to knock down a well-guarded bridge or other well known landmark.

Just imagine if they decided to launch a co-ordinated attack in several small towns all at once: No one's expecting it, no one's taken security measures...the shock and fear would be 1000 times greater than if they toppled the State of Liberty.

you hit that nail square on the head. if big cities or high profile sites were the only targets most of America would not be as fearful. they would just avoid those areas. but if some mall or whatever was hit in Po Dunk USA it drives home the point people are not safe anywhere they are. and recent ISIS and AQ recruiting methods are geared towards giving local nutcases the online training to tactics and ordnance manufacturing....and are encouraging them to do a violent act(s) wherever they are. prospects do not have to travel to some far land and undergo months of training ...it has now become remote access..push button terrorism. now you don't know who to trust...THAT is true terrorism.
What also complicates matters, is that the Attorney General just issued a statement that said they will aggressively prosecute anyone speaking out against muslims/islam, espcecially on social media - this will backfire as it will generate a great deal of animosity by way of "first amendment suppression", etc.

One of the main problem with peaceful muslims, and there are a great number of them, is that several verses of the Koran expressly forbids them to speak out against the actions of the "martyrs" and jihadists with severe penalties if caught doing so. So they remain silent, or passive about all the nonsense going on.

If an imam, cleric or a council makes a condemnation, it can appear to be a sincere statement, but has to be done in such a way that it is technically "Taqiyya" (deception to the infidels) so as not to violate the Koran.

This global mess is turning into a real bigass can of worms, unfortunately.
what people ( mostly the media and do-gooders ) fail to understand is it is not against the law to be a bigot or to despise any group of people. I can hate whom I wish if that is the kind of person I am. It IS against the law to specifically deny them anything based on that bigotry. so, I cannot deny anyone entrance into my establishment, not let them purchase my services or goods, or exclude them in any way, etc., etc., etc., because my feelings towards the group to which they belong. freedom of speech ( among other freedoms ) is going to get a good work out in the coming months...

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