Why the ads?

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I haven't had any ads pop up yet, even when I enter the site and I'm not logged in. I only use Firefox/Mozilla, and I have adblock but haven't set anything up to block ads. If I pop in here using as a guest using my cell, I see all the ads until I log in. Very odd....

I've waited awhile, to see if the forum cleared the ads. I've now installed an ad blocker, and bingo! No more ads, and the forum works faster - brilliant! Thanks Wojtek.
I have been messing around with my pop-up and security settings but I am still getting them in the first post of each page and right in between post 12 of each page.Is this new in the time I have been away?
St. Wojtek - has a nice ring to it! So, now the full title is Herr Professor Dipl.Eng. Master Builder General St. Wojtek !!
Oops! Forgot the medals, Tyskie, T-Stoff and Bar !!
Yep.. my mate who lives in Warsaw , drinking a such man's drink started p!ssing in his toilet and finished that in a bathroom near Chicago.

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