Senior Airman
Ref. WW II USN torpedoes: yes the 1941-43 models left a whole lot to be desired. Their air-launched parameters were in large part responsible for the TBD debacle at Midway although that's more complex than The Sooole Survivor liked to tell. Fact is, tho: no TBDs were lost to enemy action in flight until the morning of 4 June 42. (Discounting those that sank with CV-2.)
The head of BuOrd when the WW II torpedoes were developed AND NEVER ADEQUATELY TESTED was later FADM Wm. Leahy who was recalled to duty as FDR's briefcase carrier. IMO he only got his ill-deserved 5th star so the Brit field marshals would return his calls. He's the one who (in)famously said "As an explosive expert I can say that the atom bomb will not work."
Anyway: not until late 43 were US subs deployed with reliable torpedoes, similar situation with air-launched. The late-great Bill Martin (Mr Night Carrier) said that VT-10 dropped 31 torpedoes in 43-44 and none ran hot, straight & normal. that's why he developed night bombing tactics for TBFs. In a self-respecting navy people would've gone away for that scandal but of course it didn't happen.
(Sidebar: I used to correspond with "Gummi" who runs the wonderful site up there in Iceland. He said that the Kriegsmarine ordies who designed defective magnetic detonators went to jail. I had to tell him that ours made admiral.)
Anyway: every innovation I know of in US torpedo technology came from industry, not the navy. There's a fascinating story about Hedy Lamarr's involvement with frequency-agile technology, mainly for comm, but eventually applied to acoustic torpedoes I believe. (My brother knew her daughter and said Hubba Hubba...)
From latter 1944 the "ring tail" variety of aerial torps entered combat, debuted by VT-13 in USS Franklin. They worked well, with higher and faster drop parameters than previous models.
The head of BuOrd when the WW II torpedoes were developed AND NEVER ADEQUATELY TESTED was later FADM Wm. Leahy who was recalled to duty as FDR's briefcase carrier. IMO he only got his ill-deserved 5th star so the Brit field marshals would return his calls. He's the one who (in)famously said "As an explosive expert I can say that the atom bomb will not work."
Anyway: not until late 43 were US subs deployed with reliable torpedoes, similar situation with air-launched. The late-great Bill Martin (Mr Night Carrier) said that VT-10 dropped 31 torpedoes in 43-44 and none ran hot, straight & normal. that's why he developed night bombing tactics for TBFs. In a self-respecting navy people would've gone away for that scandal but of course it didn't happen.
(Sidebar: I used to correspond with "Gummi" who runs the wonderful site up there in Iceland. He said that the Kriegsmarine ordies who designed defective magnetic detonators went to jail. I had to tell him that ours made admiral.)
Anyway: every innovation I know of in US torpedo technology came from industry, not the navy. There's a fascinating story about Hedy Lamarr's involvement with frequency-agile technology, mainly for comm, but eventually applied to acoustic torpedoes I believe. (My brother knew her daughter and said Hubba Hubba...)
From latter 1944 the "ring tail" variety of aerial torps entered combat, debuted by VT-13 in USS Franklin. They worked well, with higher and faster drop parameters than previous models.