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Staff Sergeant
Apr 15, 2005
In light of the somewhat recent heated debates in other parts of this forum, I'm curious as to why there is such hostility displayed towards some members. I'm not going to name anyone but this does not seem to be conducive to the learning and community-oriented nature of the website. This is easily one of the best forums out there and I'd hate for it's reputation to be smeared.

It has been pointed out that some here are not given to courtesy, that's fine, I'm more concerned with the outright attacks of others' opinions. I also understand that a lot of it is joking around and it's usually pretty entertaining. It's gone a little too far when people leave though.

Again, not attacking anyone, just thinking maybe it could be toned down a bit to reflect the professional/knowledgeable amateur opinions displayed here.
It happens Aggie....

....Nothing more than I can really say. The people that wish to be here and teach and learn will be here. You have to remember this is cyberspace man. It is not real life, you have to be thick skinned.
Also, you have to realize that the condesending of people doesn't normally happen without a reason.

Though, like Adler says, it happens. You're talking to people. People tend to have bad days and vent towards someone whether he/she deserves it or not.

You just have to learn to suck it up and roll with the punches.
Aggie if this is because Yak and I had a head on. Its over and it was over a difference of opinion, between Yak and myself and it was between 2 grown men. Things were said on both sides and both sides regret saying them. Things were sorted out very quickly and I hope you don't take it too personally or to heart. What was said and done can't be unsaid. Just Yak and I have agreed to disagree and no further said.

Please do not leave the forum due to 2 men who had a disagreement of a type through cyber space and the internet
Also think the forum is the way it is because the moderators police it well and keep it on the straight and level. It is a well run forum because of their work. They oughta get an "official attaboy" for good judgement. Flamers do not control the board. You only have to look at what happened to "Yahoo! Discussion" feature on their site to see what happens when there are no or few restrictions. Anarchy.

There will be head to head confrontations. There should be. One of the tests of an idea (which is frequently used on this board) is to toss it out there to be trashed and see what comes back. Similar to the scientific method, it allows testing to happen. Most of the testing done on this board is pretty specific and not generally personal. But if you have an idea on Air Power History, this is a good place to come to find out if there are holes in it. Sometimes the head to heads get heated. So be it. But usually, the modirators will tame it back if it starts getting out of hand. Like a ref in a boxing match, the blows get thrown but the rabbit punches and below the belt stuff is kept to a minimum.

I see your point about some people getting flamed. It happens and in some cases it is unavoidable. But coming in with an ego and trying to set the rules is a good way to end up that way. In a community, even one on the internet, you play by the rules set up or go elsewhere.
I agree. For the most part his forum has lots of really good people who just want to talk airplanes. Sometimes heads butt, but in the end it is all said and good and most of us learn something about WW2 aircraft from it.
I think the moderators have done a fine job of keeping the nutjobs out.

Emac, I wasn't referring to your incident, it was a genuine disagreement. I was referring to a more pointless and ugly argument that didn't seem to have any valid point. I was shocked more than anything at the lack of restraint because I haven't seen anything quite like it since I've been on the forum. I understand that disagreements happen and each party has the right to defend his or her stance hopefully in a civilized way which was not what I witnessed.

I've cooled down now I suppose. It was more of a shock than anything and I hope nothing like that happens again.
Its fine Aggie. Just felt I would not like to feel you left the forum because of what Yak and I got into. I believe Yak would possibley feel the same, but that would be speaking out of place as I can't speak for him I am just summizing that is how he would feel. Sorry Aggie if I misunderstood, but your comments came about 24 hours after Yak and I head butted. But it is cool. My error

Emac and all,

I agree with your with your statement and support the further comments. Our head butting was purely a debate for me and, that is how I viewed it. It did learn some history from it that I did not know.

Also this is just my opinion… as I know things have different meanings for people.

I feel that those that went before me… went there so I can enjoy… the things that I do today. Freedom of speech is one of them. Think about it… if we live in (and we kind of do) a "watch what you say environment or else" It could be construed as a Fascist type of life. I hate that thought.

When you think about it… what do we become if we can't exchange ideas and thoughts?
Even if we don't agree… it is ok. This is part of intelligent society.

I maybe the rare exception but…. I enjoy a good debate. Emac.. I'd still buy you a beer and tell you to get stuffed (humor).

I think the Gent in Texas may mean the start of the tread with Marten. Emac and I took it... and ran with it. Marten wasn't even French LOL!
Its ok Yak I would return the shout of beer and tell you how to insert that bar stool you was sitting on via the part of your anatomy where horse meets jockey
I think there are some good people here, and a few good resources, but I have stopped referring this sight to anyone. I do not wish to be a proponent of a toilet mouthed offensive class of people (moderators). [I have no knowledge of the incedent between Emac and Yakpilot but that sounds like it ended just fine].
I check in from time to time because pbfoot, evangilder, wurger, FLYBOYJ, mkloby, matt308, are all great people, shame about a few of the rest...
Apologies to Alder, because I am not referring to him. However, he should not talk about being thick skinned... he isn't (and neither am I).
Civility can exist in cyberspace - I can give a long list of forums and newsgroups where it does. If the moderator (s) set a bad example then this is what you get. I am glad that I am not the only one who sees it. It is too bad really. Perhaps they will clean it up and set some standards.
One only has to read a few posts to know that evangilder is a class act, this site deserves to live up to his level.
Hey Ching, here's an infraction for u for being an @sshole and trying to secretly talk about me behind my back.... As a matter of fact, how bout u never show ur lame @ss around here anymore... U were always a turd floating around here, and Im not surprised with ur feeble little soapbox standup diatribe...

This place is run the way it is run, effectively and brutally, and if u dont like it, leave... Whining about it like some little bi*ch aint gonna do anything except have me jump ur sh!t all over again...

And for the record, please dont recommend this site to anyone...

Oh and I forgot....
That's lovely primus, you think up those words all by yourself? The rest of the crew at ww2online must be so proud of you.

Thanks so much for sending obsenities to my home email where my wife and kids could see them.


Whatever happened between you and Les/Dan it could not of been any worse than when I joined the site and Dan and I went at it for about 10 pages back and forth. Believe me we both said alot of bad things.....I am surprised now that I was not banned, not sure why I was not (not sure if you remember that arguement or not Dan). What started the arguement was I was bashing USA, Joe and Dan called me on it. After a few days I realized they were right, I was being a azzhole, I said I was sorry. They have made me a better poster and forum user.

But all the Mods are good people, including Dan. I am not brown nosing or hanging off their balls by saying this. They are straight shooters, they call it as they see it. You can argue with them, just be respective and they will be fine. Show tone or be disrespectful and yes you will feel their wrath. You need to have a little bit of thick skin.

Like Dan said this site is run with a iron hand, if you come here thinking you are going to take over or kick peoples azz you will be shown the door. I never have a problem with rules as long as I know the rules up front. You know the rules here....follow them and you will be fine. Get out of line and yes the Mods (Dan the hardest most times) will come down on you.

Keep in mind most of us here are men. Mods are ex-military people. Most of us don't mind rough banter, thats what we are used to. I have never been in the military but I have managed mechanics (7 years) and managed a warehouse full of nothing but blue color hard working men (9 years). I call it shop talk, you call it toilet mouthed...same thing. Most of us are used to it, we have thick skin.

Believe me if Horse (site admin) thought Dan or any other Mod was not doing a good job they would be replaced. This site is Horse's site, he choses the Mods.

But it of course your choice stay or leave it's up to you. I have seen some of your posts and you could add to this site, b/c of that I would like to see you stay.


As far as certain people being "picked on" you need to give detailed accounts of such, vague comments do nothing but get people ticked off. I will say this I never have seen anyone "picked on" that didn't deserve it. Some people that have come here were real dumbazz and we are better off without them. We want this site to be filled with knowledgable respectful people who can all help us expand our knowledge of WW2, most of all on WW2 planes. While it is funny to have a newbie around to burn every once in while we want good quality people here (that and hot babes but I have seen none yet, damn, just a bunch ugly slack jawwed bastards around here).

If I was you Aggie I would not post general vague statements that just stir up trouble. If you are really concerned about it PM a Mod about it or drop it totally. I don't feel this thread was a good idea, I think you should of went about it a different way. IMO
The way I see it is thus: this site is run how it is and has been run as such for the whole time since I have been here (which is a long time), it works. It keeps the sh*t out and so keeps a balance of people who want to learn against those who just want to create trouble. Besides when did a little swearing harm anyone, for fu*k sake it is the internet it isn't exactly like if you offend someone or someone offends you there are going to come around your house and shoot you for crying out loud. Why can't anyone take the fact that they lost an argument. Just because someone (generally les but that doesn't matter) swears at you and calls you a stupid fu*king noob or an @sshole etc doesn't mean you have to curl up and die that is just fu*king stupid. You know the moderators have the power and generally they use it effectively and yes people will disagree with the means (since when did everyone agree that something was done correctly?). For fu*ksake shut up or put up and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Totally agree with your post as well pb.
I wondered why I could not see them. As an observer, I wanted to know what the fuss was about. Where's Rodney King when you need him. Alas, probably in jail.


pB? Are you confusing me with pB? We both are Canadian but I am wayyyy younger and better looking. LOL

I agree with you Gnomey just b/c someone (often Dan) calls you a dick or noob does mean anything.

Ching and Aggie,

Do you really care if I or Chris or Dan or anyone else calls you a "bad name"? I could not give a rats azz if someone call me a name....why should I? Who are they? Do I really care who they are? no

Really guys you need to grow some thicker skin. Like I said before I am not sure what your back grounds are in life but I will tell you this I would be very surprised if you told me you were ever in the military or worked a hard honest blue color job. You guys are coming off a little like pencil pushing or bean counting office workers who get mad when their latte is too strong or their best friend has not called them in weeks so are you are so "upset".

Belly up boys act like men grow some skin.
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