Wii: Blazing Squadrons

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Bought my pre-wife a Wii for some things she wants but while there saw this game - Blazing Squadrons of WWII. Supposed to be a flight sim. Anybody try it? Any good?
Hi Chris,

Do you mean Blazing Angels:Squadrons of World War II? If so for Xbox atleast it is a VERY good game. If your not referring to it I suggest getting Blazing Angels: Squadrons or WWII.

There is a second Blazing Angels I only place video game once in a while so I am not sure if that was released for Wii but that is ok, not as good as the first but OK.
Yeah, guys thats it -Blazing Angels. Only $20 so I figured I would give it a try. Bought an extra remote and the Nunchuck.
Thanks wheels, but unfortunately this is a Wii not a PS2/3. Haven't tried it out yet. My prewife is having fun with "Biggest Loser". Hey, she's occuppied!

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