Will this knife really work with an AK47 ?

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Sep 23, 2008
Has anyone ever seen this knife before and can it really be used on a bayonet? It is said that it can fit together with a AK47 rifle. Maybe it is a copy of some old military knife that was used back in one of the wars? The website that it is on is <MOD Edit: Link removed> I am wondering if it can fit on any other types of guns or rifles. Does it look like something that would be used by Chinese, Koreans, or Russians. Here is a link to the knives page <MOD Edit: Link removed> and it is the knife with the number 406023 right at the top of the page.
Any help would be appreciated before I order it all the way from China
Hi hafool. The weapon in the picture you quoted looks like one of a number of patterns of bayonet designed to fit the AK47 assault rifle, this one being a standard bayonet pattern. The Chinese version of the AK47, the Type 56, normally had a folding bayonet built in to the underside of the barrel, although there were exceptions. There is a strong possibility that the bayonet shown is a copy, but it should fit onto the muzzle/boss of the AK, or the Chinese Type 56 without the folding bayonet.
I don't know what the laws regarding such weapons are like where you live, but beware, this is a lethal weapon, designed for one purpose only!
Bag and Tag em'!

Funny visual though, just sitting there, sipping your coffee, waking up and picking off spamming idiot. Nice.

Dan was probably still asleep or typing and putting his boots on at the same time.
Didn't see the link, but I can tell you that AKs imported to the US nowadays are subject to import criteria. To make them legal, you must have a minimum amount of US parts. All recent imported AKs and SKS have been gutted... but why a bayonet from China when you can get them domestically? Spam likely.

So assuming Evan's gunsight is supremely calibrated as usual...

Amen and hallelujah!

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