"Wings of a Dream" - Brazilian Aviation Museum

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Douglas Jr.

Airman 1st Class
Nov 21, 2004
South of the Border
Hi all,

During the Holidays I went to the new museum created and kept by TAM, a Brazilian private air company. As I was with my fiancée and we were returning from a long trip, I didn't have too much time left to take good pictures of some nice airplanes that are displayed. There are several nice planes there, including a genuine Bf109G (not a Spanish-made Buchón)as well as some of the other great military planes.

This Gustav is painted as the famous Marseille's "Yellow 14" but it is in very nice shape after an extensive restoration. Well, I will let the pictures do the talk... once more, sorry for the few, poor-quality pictures.

According to the museum, besides the 30+ planes already exposed there, there are 30 others awaiting restoration or room to be displayed.

Lockheed Constellation


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Here we have the Republic P47D-25 Thunderbolt "B5", showing the Brazilian Air Force's 1º GavCa's (1st Fighter Squadron) colors as it appeared during the late part of the Italy Campaign, in 1945. The "B5" pilot was the was 2nd Lieutnant Fernando Correa Rocha (born in 1921 and still kicking). He flew 74 combat missions and was decorated with several Brazilian awards as well as with the Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with 3 oakleaf clusters (EUA) and Presidential Unit Citation (EUA). The 1st GavCa saw action attached to the USAAF 350th FG.


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more Thunderbolt...


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Now a VOUGHT F4U CORSAIR. Note the early "bird cage" cockpit...


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And now, this is what everybody is waiting to see: the Me109G-2 displaying the colors of Hans-Joachim Marseille's "Gelb 14".


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Well folks, that's all!
Hope you have enjoyed this virtual trip. To access the museum site (in English) and read about each plane's story, you can click here.



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