I don't want to come off as saying steroids can be safe or there isn't any harm in steroids if taken correctly.
My statement was there is a "safer" way to take them. As also stated before, I took 3 different kinds over the course of 5 years. I've been clean for about 5 years now and I'm noticing things in my body that dont seem right such has ankles, knees, elbows, muscles, and shoulders have strange intense pains. It could be from me playing basketball for 20 years and now that I'm fixing to be 41 I'm showing signs of age.
These are the facts that I have personally experience, both 1st hand and from my friends.
1. There is a safer way to take them.
2. If you start doing monster stacks, your only increasing your risks of.....everything.
3. Long term use does hurt your body.
4. Long term mild use shows little to no ill effects.
5. Introducing anything foreign to your body increases risks.
6. Some steroids, especially orals, are murder on your organs. You MUST give them a break and be clean.
7. If I had to do it over, I wouldn't have touched them.