Chief Master Sergeant
We have discussed the pros and cons of the allied bombers (and agreed to differ
) Lets look at the situation should the Luftwaffe have had the allied heavy bombers, escort fighters etc and 'we' had the German aircraft.
Given the resources of the Americans and ingenuity of the British would we have still won the war?
Starting with the Blitz....I'm not necessarily convinced that we would have won the BoB as the factories and airfields could have been totally destroyed.
Could Japan have hit mainland America?
Being an island nation is always an advantage from the defence point of view.
What do you all think?

Given the resources of the Americans and ingenuity of the British would we have still won the war?
Starting with the Blitz....I'm not necessarily convinced that we would have won the BoB as the factories and airfields could have been totally destroyed.
Could Japan have hit mainland America?
Being an island nation is always an advantage from the defence point of view.
What do you all think?