WW2 Japanese Sword

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Senior Master Sergeant
Oct 16, 2007
Conroe, Texas
I took the day off and want to check up on everyone. I miss the website. I hope to be back soon. I have a job lead that might pay enough so I get get a hook up at the apt.

My step mother's 89 year old father moved in with my parents a couple of months ago. Leo was in tha army during WW2 and was assigned to a machine gun team in the pacific. He never talks about the war and is having flashbacks. The other day, he said the Japanese army was moving through the tree line in the back of the property.

Yesterday, my father showed me the two swords that Leo brough back. He had to keep them hidden because the officers stole everything the enlisted men picked up. I hope the get some pictures posted in a couple of weeks.

Does anyone know a good website to research the swords. The best I can tell, they are NCO katanas. I know a little about Chinese swords but nothing about the Japanese.


Some officers whose family came from real Samurai brought the traditional old swords which is called "Nihon-toh(Japanese sword)" but others were mass-produced army swords of govermental issue called "Gun-toh(military sword)" though appearances look similar to the Nihon-toh.

May I look forward to checking your photos?

Good to 'see' you again, and hope the job works out. Get some pics of the swords when you can.

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