WWII Aircraft/Military Museums - World Tour

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Wow guys great work!!!

Thanks Wilbur! If any of you guys have more Museum threads that I've missed just post a link to your thread, I will also keep updating the list at the top of this thread.

I'm a little behind in edits. I was at Palm Springs last weekend, and Chino yesterday.

I have a bunch of the museums at Camarillo and Santa Paula, but don't have them on my website. I will see what I can dig out.

Yes I guess in your business Eric you must have crates of photos....


By the way which museum is that thread from? Is it Chino or Camarillo?
I posted this pic earlier on the "Test" thread, its a partially re-built Waco Glider, the placard on the front says that the Waco was the 3rd most US produced aerial vehicle made during WWII with 14,000 made {after the Liberator Thunderbolt}

I think the total of 15,000 for Mustangs AT-6's also include those made in Canada or made post-war

This model had an interesting story, after WWII it was converted into a towed holiday trailer, keeping the original windshield and canopy as a view window.

Later some of the Museum workers saw it abandoned in a farmer's field and bought it for the museum. It's been partially restored {as far as possible with the original parts}


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Some more items, flight suits, cold weather gerr.

The lower one is of a WWII training poster. Note the caricatures of the 3 bad guys {Hitler, Mussolini Tojo} looking on with amusement as the trainee crashes.


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That was Camarillo. I have a ton of pictures from the museum down there. I have been meaning to document more museums on my website, I just haven't found the time yet. Hopefully soon.
Ok I put it on the map too.

Here is the Fokker replica

Below is the pilot IRF trainer


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hey freebird can you put a little square just under newcastle uk because thats where i'm at and where i took those pics

Sure! I just put it on.

And now to continue the Museums tour, I have the pics from Hill AFB in Ogden, Utah. {near Salt Lake City}

It was unfortunate, due to delays I only got there just as they were closing, however I got some good pics of the aircraft outside.

They have a huge collection indoors, I will have to get photos there next time I'm in Utah....


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There was quite a bit of hardware outside, so I can only imagine how much more is inside. It's too bad I don't get over to Utah more often.

Again, my apologies for taking shots through the fence, I didn't think hopping over into a restricted AFB was such a good idea!


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