WWII aircraft parts we own...

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Airman 1st Class
Apr 17, 2009
Hello everybody!

I don't know if it's the right place to post this topic...hope so

I wanted to see and discuss about any WWII aircraft parts some of you maybe own.
To my part I just buy on the internet (website in 4 letters...) a part comming from an Me109.

(maybe it's not the place but I'm also interested if anybody of you wanted to sale Me109 parts)

thanks to all who will post and share :)
I used to have one too TGT, from a Hawker Tempest! Gave it to a friend who collected ammunition.

I have a pristine Hispano-Suiza engine cylinder from a Fiat BR.20 bomber shot down during the Battle of Britain. One of my uncle's was a kid then, and used to raid the fallen aircraft with his mates while the guards were absent or distracted!
It is currently on loan to a museum in New Zealand.
I have piece of airframe from a Stringbag, I only need 17000+ more bits and i'll have my own Swordfish
I used to have one too TGT, from a Hawker Tempest! Gave it to a friend who collected ammunition.

I have a pristine Hispano-Suiza engine cylinder from a Fiat BR.20 bomber shot down during the Battle of Britain. One of my uncle's was a kid then, and used to raid the fallen aircraft with his mates while the guards were absent or distracted!
It is currently on loan to a museum in New Zealand.

Wow! That is rare, a Fiat BR.20 let alone one that was shot down in BOB!

Lucky you!
I have parts from a Bf 109G-6 from JG 4

have parts from a Fw 190A-8/R2 from II.Sturm/JG 4 including a piece of Panzerplatten from the right side of the fuselage of the same Sturm Fw.

several 2cm LW Minengeschoss rounds, 2 of them that are in a blown apart state as well from 11 September 1944 defenses against the US 8th AF 100th bg.

parts from one of the B-17's of the 100th bg downed

electrical and aluminum structural parts - small - from an Fw 190A-8, circa 1944.

other crap sitting stored ............
I have a pristine Hispano-Suiza engine cylinder from a Fiat BR.20 bomber shot down during the Battle of Britain. One of my uncle's was a kid then, and used to raid the fallen aircraft with his mates while the guards were absent or distracted!
It is currently on loan to a museum in New Zealand.
Hi A4K,
are you sure that cylinder is Hispano-Suiza? If is so, it can't come from a BR.20 because those bombers were powered only by domestic FIAT A80 RC41 engines. :?:

I have:- Upper engine cowlings from a Bf109G-4, a "G" wheel, two unused tyres, a seat,a tail wheel, 4 undercarriage mounts, a wing spar mount, instruments, Revi 16.
Wel i collect that kind op parts..

5 ME-262 intruments (compass,turn and bank indacator,pressure gauges etc)
Very rare SWA10b switchbox to fire R4M rockets in the messerschmitt 262
A Revi16b doug up in bad condition.
A hallifax escape hatch from a crash in Holland near where i live.
Some german switchbox from the cockpit
Loads of other small parts.

best regards chris
You all have so much treasure !! impressive !
( I manage to collect but I'm only 22, No money...and a girlfriend who don't understand thoses " horrible things from the war" LOL )

can I see some pics of thoses?
I have two small pieces from "Tail End Charlie" 20th Bomb Squadron, 15th US Army Air Corp shot down over Rudice, Czech Republic on 29 August 1944 during the Battle over the White Carpathian Mountains.
I have a fragment of a Bf109F's tail said to have been flown by Hpt Karl-Heinz Krahl of II/JG3 who was shot down (by AA) and killed 14th April 1942 whilst strafing some airfield in Malta.
I wish it was mine but my Brother in Law has a clock from a 109G2 that his father 'aquired' from the plane when it made an emergency landing by his unit. He is installing it in his Messerschmitt bubble car.
New arrivals in my collection.
Packard merlin engine ( in a very bad shape ) from a P51 downed during the D-Day period, parts from lancaster, spit, FW190 and Me109G6 guns parts.
Wow, that's great mate!

Ahem...just noticed Marcogrifo's comment re my engine valve ...3 years later ... :oops:

'Hispano Suiza' (or possibly just 'Suiza' - can't remember now as it's back in NZ) is lightly engraved in the head of the valve. My uncle told me he 'acquired' it as a boy from a downed BR.20 during the Battle of Britain.

That said, he regularly raided crashed aircraft with his mates (he once retrieved a full belt of ammo from a spitfire wing! :)), so if what you say is true, he may possibly have mixed it up with another type?
This week I am taking ownership of some Me109G6R6 parts :)
Including DB605A... anyone got the ersatzteilliste of the DB605 to share ?

this will help in finding what is what !
Huge pile of USAAF airplane parts dug up & stored at a farm in the UK. Got some very neat stuff from this place!


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