Hello everybody!
I don't know if it's the right place to post this topic...hope so
I wanted to see and discuss about any WWII aircraft parts some of you maybe own.
To my part I just buy on the internet (website in 4 letters...) a part comming from an Me109.
(maybe it's not the place but I'm also interested if anybody of you wanted to sale Me109 parts)
thanks to all who will post and share
I don't know if it's the right place to post this topic...hope so
I wanted to see and discuss about any WWII aircraft parts some of you maybe own.
To my part I just buy on the internet (website in 4 letters...) a part comming from an Me109.
(maybe it's not the place but I'm also interested if anybody of you wanted to sale Me109 parts)
thanks to all who will post and share