WWII aviation Statistics

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Jul 28, 2003
Chino, California, U.S.A.
Hi Everyone,

I posted these first two links in another thread that, at first glance, might not seem to be the place to find WWII aviation statistics. I thought I'd post it clearly for everyone, and maybe try to accumulate other aviation statistics links in here. Cheers and thanks in advance for your links and/or book reviews and/or aerial data of any useful kind. Most of those interested likely have these two but, you never know.

1) USAAF Statistical Digest of World War II: https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a542518.pdf

2) US Naval Aviation Combat Statistics of World War II: https://www.history.navy.mil/conten...s/naval-aviation/aviation-monographs/nasc.pdf

These have bare statistics and do NOT give individual statistics. Also, the USAAF and US Navy/Maries did NOT save exactly the same data in their records, so comparisons are difficult except at the macro level. For instance, the USN/MC break out combat losses into losses due to enemy aircraft, AAA, and operational losses. The USAAF does not do that. Then, the USAAF breaks out victories into ground kills and air kills. The USN/MC does not do that. So, direct comparison is difficult at best ... but there are useful data in here.

To get to interesting data about whole-war aerial combat for the USAAF/C in the Digest, you might want to skip down in the index to "Operations" and look at those tables.

Anyone else have any good links to aviation statistics that are useful in a "over the whole war" type discussion? A series of statistics for individual battles that eventually encompass the whole war would be useful, too.

Cheers to everyone.
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For additional data organized by topic, see the seven volumes of
Each volume includes footnotes, index, maps, and glossary.
The first volume has filename AFD-101105-005-1.pdf which you can search on.

The seven volumes are linked under "A" near the top of this page: Titles

For anyone new to the area, there is a lot of data about the ETO, including from Germany, in
Strategy for Defeat Luftwaffe 1933-1945 by Williamson Murray Available onlime

Here's a spreadsheet of mine that looks at WWII aircraft production and a few other data points. Not exactly complete and finished, but there is a lot there.

My favorite tab is USAAF Procurement 1. Enjoy.


P.S. I have no issue with corrections. The intent is to make it correct, so I have issue with comments and corrections.


  • Aircraft_Production_Numbers2.xlsx
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