WWII MISTERIES: What happened with the JU390?

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The problem now is that people like this guy are spouting out garbage like this on a regular basis and the spread of misinformation continues. Dog-whistle politics, where those who want to believe it are suckered in by it and the onus then falls on those who are of more rational stance to prove it didn't happen, when it should be the other way around.

"Alternate Facts" at work...
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"Whichever way you turn the story, the US flight of the Ju 390 remains one of those hearsay stories with which prisoners of war apparently wanted to make themselves important who had caught some technical data of the miracle bird.

Conclusion: The secret mission of the Nazi Air Force to the US east coast never took place."
I dispute the Ju390 was intended as a bomber but the V3 prototype was evaluated for the role and found unsatisfactory. It was trialed in the maritime reconnaissance role. The Ju390 was always a long range transporter. A US Navy Intelligence report from 1945 details the type's performance prior to April 1944 when it was recertified at a higher take off weight (80.5 tonnes).

Range is cited as 3,960 miles with a 10,000kg payload. Keeping in mind payload can be carried as extra fuel: Payload can be traded for extra range and it often was on the Ju290 which used fuel bladders in the cabin.

However regards the Ju390's eventual fate. over the years Geoffrey BrooksArgentine author on various Luftwaffe topics shared with me what he knew. Geoffrey also researched Manfred Griehl: Luftwaffe over America, Greenhill/Frontline Books, UK.

Geoffrey said the JU390 landed at a jungle clearing in Entre Rios provence to unload a cargo, After unloading, it flew to Uragauy. He said,
"I have seen the landing area, which is almost depopulated, relatively even, 1945farmland and pasture skirting the main highway about 60 miles east of the River Uruguay between Paysandu and Tacuarembo, this main road today being no wider than necessary to allow single file traffic in each direction. There are several villages in the area today which retain their German character in all senses."

In various exchanges he told me it was dismantled in Uruguay. Parts were dumped in the river near Paysandu.

Lo and behold, many years later, I got to know the son in law of Nazi nuclear physicist Dr Ronald Richter. Omar Depasquale. Omar told me Richter reassembled a nuclear device from Germany at Cordoba and British saboteurs bombed it in 1947.
This correlates with the Polish interrogation of SS Lt. General Jakob Sporrenberg in which he stated a bell device was evacuated from Silesia to Norway in April 1945. A declassified intelligence report of Argentina's Economic Ministry asserts that a "multi-engine aircraft arrived from Germany and unloaded A "Bell" device. Richter continued to develop a particle accelerator for Argentina's nuclear project.
Multiple different sources suggest the Ju390, ended up in Uruguay.

Here's my tongue in cheek take on the Amerikabomber but it's the Ta400...

What's worse, is using an 87 year old vet as an excuse to propagate falsehoods.

Shame on you.
You refer to this man: Ron, RS Wylie.

Such a shame you are so determined to be ignorant of history, when any time prior to 2023 you could have asked him yourself like I did in 2008

....when I asked him about the origin of this photo of Ju390 RC+DA?

What is your psychological problem that you need to be the sole source and interpreter of history and nobody can question your pseudo facts?
Ju390 RC+DA was photographed flying on 22 December 1942 disproving so called experts.

("Experts" who claim the Ju390 did not fly until 1944)

the original photo is now archived by UK National Archives at KEW.

Of course all the nit pickers will object convoy KMF-5 was attacked at dawn by He111 with torpedoes. Yes the attack was performed by He111 but these aircraft lacked loitering endurance so obviously RC +DA wearing the white North Afrika fuselage band of LTS.290 (demanded by the Italians) was orbitting to spot convoys.

I also copied this photo from Ron Wylie's website

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What is your psychological problem that you need to be the sole source and interpreter of history and nobody can question your pseudo facts
Nice personal attack and indicates two things.
First of all, if a person's argument lacks substance, they resort to personal attacks.

Secondly, I am a student of history. Peer reviewed history. Actual history, not bullshit scraped up on the internet and/or an imagined event recounted by a single person which flies in the face of military documents, accounts and logistics.

Convoy KMF-5 sailed in 1942 before the Ju390 prototype was built!

The Ju290's first flight was summer of 1942, which the 390 was derived from and Ju390 V1 first flew almost a year after Convoy KMF-5 was attacked.

How the eff can you have an aircraft type in combat if it hasn't even been built yet?

And you may have noticed that I have not needed to use personal attacks to make my point...
Every single person in this thread was asked and warned to debate civilly on several occasions.


One week posting bans will be given out now, simply because the request was ignored. Personal attacks are not tolerated.

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