XXXII Convención Nacional de Modelismo Estático (IPMS México 2016)

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Senior Master Sergeant
Aug 21, 2014
México City
Hello dear colleagues and friends, slowly I'm updating in the wide variety of topics and subtopics inside this great forum.

Some of you know of my return to this wonderful hobby about four years ago and just over two years of belonging to this formidable group of lovers of military aviation.

I had never attended an exhibition of static modeling in my childhood and youth. It was until last year I attended and participated in the biggest event in the country and takes place in Mexico City (where I live)

I am leaving my second experience in these events.

I'll organize photos, reduce them the size and share.
I hope you enjoy

Saludos cordiales
After some difficulty to register this new thread; I attached the first images ...

These are my two participants the night before to attend the contest ...

The brochure-call:

I'll be posting the photos as I go reducing the pixels ...

Any question or comment is well received ...
They were three days very concurred, the organizers say that we were more than 300 modelers and just over 2500 models displayed in different categories.
I took some pictures the first day, reason are still some spaces at the tables (there were not many people yet and could take better photos)

Before continuing, I want to apologize for the quality and clarity of the photographs; some know that my cellular mobile died at sea and which have provisionally is a "vintage" model with a very "austere" camera.

Start the session with two helicopters ...

... Too bad the quality of photos, plus the position a little forced to take some of them ... and of course ... and it is found that I lack skills as a field photographer.

...ya regreso...


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... Some photos of military vehicles and tanks ...

I took this photo with Magy´s phone (my wife) ... below my "vintage" model and see the proportion of the small M8 perfectly painted ...
(seemed to be in "Land of Giants" ... anyone remember that TV program 70's?)

... I'll be back...:robot:

... Some pictures of cars and motorcycles ...

... Military and commercial aircraft were used in Mexico ...

there was enough, but did not take many photos and the others were some really bad !!

... I will share almost half of the photos I took, ... shame, with so many models so interesting and bad pictures !!

Some awesome builds there my friend! Wish I could have been there in person. And what a turn-out!
Hello my dear Capt.Vick, now I know this National IPMS is held in mid-October each year in Mexico City at the Hotel del Prado.
The invitation is open to all friends of the forum they have a chance to attend. There's a whole year ahead to schedule the dates, it will be a pleasure to welcome and meet here.


Luis Carlos
... I again ask ... I want to apologize for the quality and clarity of the photographs; That some know my cellular mobile died at sea and Which Have provisionally is a "vintage" model with a "austere" camera very ...

There were excellent ships, submarines and frigates, I share these:

A section that grows each year is the relating to Science Fiction, Comics and movies:

For some time tomorrow I share more of the categories above, ... and still not get to our favorite topic: Military Aviation WWII

see you tomorrow y gracias por sus visitas y comentarios....

Luis Carlos
Thanks Andy and Terry; it is true, was a big event, it took an entire floor with several halls in the Hotel del Prado, last year only half of the floor is occupied ... and on this occasion was seen just as crowded as last year !! apparently increasingly they go overcoming the records of modellers, models, participating stores and event attendees ... !! Will next year be two floors ?? =D>

I'll now show some photos of aircrafts subsequent to the WWII

... ...

My excuse is that I had more people and less time to take better photos ...!

...there's still more...
Wojtek thanks for always being present!

... WWII aircraft ...
large scale ...

There were a lot of beautiful examples ... therefore know and keep learning ... someday I will have the task of choosing an excellent aircraft to do so on a scale like that. ...

Thanks for your visits Huge, Andy and Geo

I took only 3 photos to dioramas ... and badly taken !!

Some pictures of my scale adopted (1/48) ...

opening and closing this session with my birds ...

...there's still more...
(remember that they are more than 2000 .... lol )

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