'Yellow 10' Focke Wulf, FW-190D-13 (Only one in the world, and yes it flys)

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Great info Steve but I'm a bit thick this morning and not getting the significance of your above picture.....

BTW, this aircraft is on my To Do list - a major airbrushing challenge for me!

Here's the Hobby Master Air Power Series model I based it off of: 1/48 Hobby Master Air Power Series HA7402 - Focke-Wulf Fw-190 F-8, I./SG 2 Hungary, early 1945 (winter scheme)

Oh and Crimea I just so happen to have my camo stripes as an .AI file. I vectored out each and every on of them. I'll send them to you so you can make some masks if you like. I also have vectored out the swatstika, rank markings, luftwaffe crosses and numbers as well.
I believe the Allison is being replaced by a real Jumo which is out for refurbishment. "Dave the WW2 Nut" has a thread on this somewhere.
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I'd love to build a 1/4 scale replica with a pilot camera on servos so you could fly it from your desktop with a tri monitor setup and be able to control where the camera is looking. And it just so happens that 5.56mm ammo is 3.99 times smaller hence the 1/4 scale. I know it would never happen do to safety and legality but imagine the REAL dogfights you could have over a wheat field or over a channel of water.

If it ever were a rich boy toy! - Pure Fanatsy


General characteristics
Crew: 1 servo controlled camera, 1080p 3D HD
Length: 2.55 m (8'ft 1.375"in)
Wingspan: 2.625m (8'ft 6.25"in)
Height: 3.35 m (11 ft 0 in)
Wing area: 4.575 m² (49.247 ft²)
Empty weight: 218 kg (1,923.5lb)
Loaded weight: 1,067.5 kg (2,667.5lb)
Max. takeoff weight: 302.5 kg (2667.5 lb)
Powerplant: 1 × 1/4 scale Junkers Jumo 213 A-1 12-cylinder inverted-Vee piston engine, 321.75 kW, (437.5 PS) , 386 kW (525 PS) with boost

Maximum speed: 171.25 km/h (106.5 mph) at 1,650 m (5414ft), 177.5 km/h (110 mph) at 9,250 ft (2,750 m)
Range: 208 km (129.75 mi)
Service ceiling: 3,000 m (9,842.5 ft)
Rate of climb: 17 m/s (3,300 ft/min)


Guns: (all synchronized to fire through propeller arc) 3 × 5.56mm x 45mm cannons with 250 rpg in the wing root

Bombs: 1 × 125 kg (275.5 lb) SC 125 bomb (optional)

Cost: $550,000.00 USD

There are also '3mm US' bullets to simulate 1/4 scale .50 calibre
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Now that would be something to see!
Don't know if it would be legal (certainly not in the UK !), but it could have some good applications for movie work.
I had the great pleasure of helping with Yellow 10's restoration while I worked at Gosshawk. Not only did I help restore the airframe but I also did the painting, from bare metal to how you see it today. The only help I had from Jerry Crandall was masking up after I had fine lined where everything had to go. As to his claim of 1:1 scale painting on his website, well! I also hand cut all the stencils, even the one on the headrest due to no old style German font being available on modern computers. I just had to clear that up
I agree, and thanks for the info!

You know, with businesses wanting to start using drones..........................

Crandall never helped with the painting of the camo. He assisted with masking up after I had fine lined everything. He did paint the Kommodore on the front but this had to be redone as it wasn't correct. Gosshawk did borrow black and white photos from him to copy the camo as good as I could. Just letting you know
Holy Necrothread!

Sorry. I wasn't trying to resurrect an old thread. I just get p!ssed when people think Crandall painted it due to his statement on his website saying "He was 1:1 painting it" I just don't like people who try to BS other people when I clearly know he didn't paint it, unless I just couldn't see him through the paint mist in the spray booth!
Cheers, S/S

I was only kidding with you.

Having said that Erich was certainly not trying to BS anyone. That's not him...

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