Yesterday at Van Nuys

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Not great shots like those taken by Eric, but I thought it might interest some people to see these pics of a T-6/SNJ with the swivel back seat, a dummy machine gun and dummy underwing ordinance. (*aside - the Canadians wouldn't allow it to go to the Abbotsford Airshow a couple of years ago with the dummy weapons installed! I love Canada, but really...?)

The airplane belongs to one of the principals of the Heritage Flight Museum in Bellingham WA (where I am a volunteer) Click the link to see more pics and info.

He does not claim that it is restored completely original, and he has the markings the way they are because he is (or was) a pilot with the Idaho National Guard (IDA NG) and when he was in the regular Air Force he flew the A-10.The motto on the nose cowl says "Hog Wild Gunner".



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