Your favorite French fighter?

Your favorite French fighter?

  • Morane Saulnier MS 406 series

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • Bloch MB 150, 151, 152, 155, 157 series

    Votes: 13 15.5%
  • Dewoitine D 520 series

    Votes: 39 46.4%
  • Arsenal VG 33 series

    Votes: 14 16.7%
  • Caudron C 714

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Potez 631 series

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • dewoitine D.510

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • other?

    Votes: 7 8.3%

  • Total voters

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Its largely because we have ignored the basic fact that economies need to make things that we are in the mess we are in 2011.
I take your point but, I would say that there are other issues at stake here. So much so that the RR engines available could have had a modern fighter designed around them rather than the other way round.
I know that fighters have to be developed but, who are the enemy we are likely to have to fight? What fighters do they have to deploy against us?
I think its a question of balance.
Keeping jobs at home and having a fighter cability that is affordable and adequate for our real world needs.
I used to think the British were foolish for not switching to the Euro. Now it looks like the Euro is self destructing and the British knew what they were doing all along by sticking with the pound.

Either that or you English muddled through and got lucky.

One of the things we can thank Gordon Brown for keeping us out of the Euro Zone.
Our Sterling is part of our identity.

You are right about 'muddling'. Its the English way you know.

I suspect that other EU countries would quite like their own currency back too...

If the Euro breaks up I think continental europe would be in a serious economic mess for several years. The cure might be worse then the disease.

Meanwhile Britain and the USA would continue to economically muddle through. A technique we learned from our English cousins. 8)

The main land Europeans are great survivors, They'll be ok, Euro or no Euro.

The gentle art of muddling takes 100's of years to perfect. You colonials are just starting to learn...
The real trick is not to appear to be muddling through...that masterclass awaits you

Europe survived 1648, 1763, 1815, 1918 and 1945 but in each case things were pretty grim for the next several decades. I'm hoping today's MTV generation of Europeans make wiser choices then their ancestors.

That is the main reason I want the Deutschmark back. I am paid in Dollars, but have to pay my rent and utility bills in Euro. I might not be German, but I am against the Euro. Hell my wife is German has been against the Euro from the beginning. I think the average European in the Euro zone is. Unfortunately most of the Govt.'s don't ask the people what they want.
Europe survived 1648, 1763, 1815, 1918 and 1945 but in each case things were pretty grim for the next several decades. I'm hoping today's MTV generation of Europeans make wiser choices then their ancestors.

One would hope so dave.
However, with all the divides that there are in main land Europe I am not optimistic.
Any 'melt down' with have's and have not's will cause trouble in some shape or form.
I shall watch with interest Mr Cameron's work to extract ourselves from the EZ mess and (hopefully) leave the EU altogether...
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Interesting a thread about French ww2 fighter planes ends with a discussion about euro...

Don't want to interrupt but I voted on the D.520.
Speak for yourselves

The Euro was and still is a great idea, taking countries that massively fake their statistics and can't keep a budget into the zone was the mistake. The Euro will recover, but of course there will be a lot of damage to countries that were not part of the problem. That's the principle of solidarity. What would happen in Greece today if they were not part of a greater system that will do its best to keep the country alive? Revolution? Civil war?

And about RR: They are a big company. The biggest aero engine manufacturer in Europe perhaps? But even they have to spread risks. Hence you don't see too many RR-only engines these days, but they are usually a major player in any European military engine program (EJ200, MTR390, RTM322, TP400...).
Euro or not is not the pb. The pb is that in Europe, like in US or others, people have no more power of decision: Wall Street, the City Co are our chief.
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Battle of Donetsk - June 11, 2012
France - Angleterre: 3 - 0
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The fact that the Euro sucks and was a big mistake, is the one thing we can all agree on.

I think that Euro was a good idea, though it was introduced too early and I don't mean only time but especially the level of the union (or the level of unification of European countries, don't know which sentence suits here better ).
That is because individuals may be smart, but people are dumb

Do you think even a fraction of the people can remotely grasp the complexity of a global economy or international currency. And I include me, to be fair. People today think they have an educated opinion about everything because they saw 15 minutes of a debate with Maischberger (or whatever your country's counterpart is to that), looked up an article on wikipedia or read an article on spiegel-online. Thank god we don't have a direct democracy.

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